Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Random Rant About: "Oh Awesomeness! They Are Actually Reading My Blog! XD And, Why Aren't Those Emails Coming In Yet?", PLUS... My Arsenic Addiction Quiz Results

Awesomeness!  I am really happy to see that this blog is getting more and more views!  My other blog, honestly, I don't really care one way or another, if people read it or not!  It is unimportant to me and it is just about random shit, and it should be unimportant to you too!  But for wahtever reason my blog about random-shit-ness gets zillions of more views and a lot more support than my blog about rescuing struggling artists and helping them survive in society.  So, I ask... Which one is more important to you?  Really?!  Random-shit-ness... Or saving struggling artists?!  To me the art and the artists are WAY more important.  It probably is just because the other blog is way older than this blog, and the fact that it links to way more other pages than this blog does.  I mean, really, I can't think of any other reason (s) why the other blog would be getting so many more views than this one.  I'm just glad to see, that all-be-it slow, the view count for this blog is climbing up and up!  I hope that this blog about saving struggling artists and helping their art/music get noticed and get support, continues to get visitors and supporters!

I would also like to know why those emails aren't coming through yet.  I haven't even recieved a single email from any of you asking for me to support you, as an artist/musician, and advertise you and your art/music/expertise here on my blog, even though my services are completely FREE!  Go ahead, shoot an email my way!  rayasmommy94@gmail.com

Last, but not least (for this post anyway):
I took a quiz on what Arsenic Addiction band member I am.  I got Ripper Arsenic.  Here's his description and a link to the quiz so you may also take it if you like:

"You are Ripper! Charming, witty, and sly, you are quite the master in the art of seduction but very egocentric. You can convince anyone of almost anything with a few words and a flick of your hand. Loyal to no one but yourself, you tend to have a hard time keeping long term relationships of any kind, whether they ended naturally or *cough* abruptly by some misfortune. You can entertain a crowd with your larger than life personality, and thrive on the attention. Don't let your cocky attitude get the best of you, your natural charms could be put to far better use, if you'd stop using them for personal gain. "


I will be posting more about the band Arsenic Addiction here on my blog.  They are a great band (metal).  The lead vocalist is a female who goes by the name of Lady Arsenic.  These guys (and gal) are great!  I actually know them in person.  So, go ahead and check out my personal friends and one of my many musical obsessions, Arsenic Addiction.  Go send them some love and support! <3

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Two Very Awesome (In My Opinion), DIY Artsy Craftsy Books That I Recently Read

I recently flipped through these awesome books about designing shit on your own and doing awesome artsy shit.  One was called Home Rockanomics, or something like that.  The other one was just simply called DIY and it was about designing various shit like books (whole books, cover to cover and everything in between), business cards, t-shirts, cd covers, websites, blogs, etc., etc.  Anyhow, they were awesome! XD  One of the thingies on making your own cd covers said that you can take an old floppy disk (does anyone even know what one of those are anymore?!  LOL) and hollow it out and make it into a cd case.  How cool is that?!  I think its awesome!  And "Home Rockanomics" features that Minx lady and its about punking up your clothes, artwork, home decor, and shit.  Its simply awesome! XD  Yeah, so here's me writing a "book review" and recommendation.  LOL  Yes, I would recommend this two books to any art-freak.  They are awesome!  You should try them out (Well, only if you want to!  I'm not going to make you!  I'm simply suggesting them and recommending them to you.).

Monday, July 23, 2012

Listening To An Indie Musician In The Park

Today I met a really nice girl named Jordan.  She is an indie musician.  Her voice is wonderful!  She's reletively good at the guitar (better than I am), and pretty.  She was singing and playing a few songs that she had wrote on the guitar.  She was recording them on her laptop.  I don't know if she was recording video files or just audio, but I assume video.  She told me that she has to send her samples in to get accepted for this show thing a ma jig she wants to do.  She said that she was planning on playing at some BYU thingy or something in a few days.  Told me that there was a recording studio that wanted to record her stuff for a shit-ton of money.  I hope she does well in her career as a musician!  She is very pretty and very talented!  Hope to see her again sometime.  She was really nice and she said she was looking for another girl to sing one of her songs with her.  She also offered to let me and encouraged me to play her guitar.  I was very tempted, but I am no good, don't know very many chords, have almost no rythm, only know how to play the songs I've written (and they're no good), and I'm much too shy to play in public still!  So, sadly, even though had I been able to get over my fear of performing in front of other people, I would have totally enjoyed it and enjoyed myself, I would have so totally had fun, but I turned her down!  I haven't, um, officially turned her down for her duet, but she didn't really officially offer either.  Anyhow, she was pretty, nice, and talented.  Hope she makes it far as a musician and I hope to run into her again sometime!  :D

-Bridgette <3

Friday, July 20, 2012

Got The TAL Mess Sorted Out, Plus The College Courses I'm Signed Up For

So, I got the TAL mess sorted out.  I found out that the money will most likely be given to me only after I leave state custody (or just before exiting custody.  I'm still not completely sure on that), and the TAL monies were supposed to only be specifically for housing and that type of stuff.  That, I was not aware of!  Oh well!  I'll deal!

I started the enrollment process over at SLCC.  I am currently signed up to major in Fashion Design.  I have an appointment to go in on Monday and finish the enrollment process and get signed up for specific classes.

Au revoir, until next time!  Love, Bridgette! <3

P.S.  I don't actually speak French!

Well, my plans for the short-term didn't work out. Hopefully my plans for the longer-term will!

I just found out today that I will not be recieving my money from the TAL class anytime soon.  I was told by the lady at the front desk that I'd recieve it sometime either last week or this.  It is now Friday of this week and I still haven't recieved it.  I was just informed, not by my DCFS caseworker, but by the lady running the TAL classes that that was false information.  I had to first call my caseworker a bunch of times, not getting an answer any of those times, and then email the lady running the classes.  Then the lady running the TAL classes emailed me back saying, "I don't know who told you that you were supposed to recieve your TAL payment this week or last, but that's not true.  We change our fiscal year bulshit, blah, blah, blah.  So the people who process the payments wont be sending any out until August, blah, blah, blah, bullshit.  And its up to your caseworker when you recieve it.  She may not give it to you until you leave custody!"

Of course she didn't actually word it exactly like that, but anyhow, you can tell I'm pissed!  I'm hellah pissed!  First off, I'm eighteen years old.  Secondly, I don't have any felony charges, no criminal background to speak of.  Why the Hell am I still in state custody?

So... No!  I probably wont be able to pay for those photos for Craze Talent!  I really wanted to at least give it a shot, but because the government is a bunch of assholes, I probably wont be able to!  I will definitely still try sometime in the future.  It'll be worth it!

I know I had typed up a post about me going and checking out the college sometime earlier on.  I still haven't done that yet, but I'm going to today!  Just government and life has been throwing a lot of shit and curveballs to get in the way of me finally getting that done.  But not today!  I wont let them!  Today is the day I'm going to go check out the college.  Because I want to! :P  *neener neener*

Maybe we can get me signed on with some acting classes, music classes, and art classes.  That would be the bomb!

Well, until next time,

-Bridgette. <3

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Getting signed on with a talent agency, possibly...

Yesterday I went and checked out this modeling/acting/talent agency called Craze Talent.  Same as last time.  I saw an ad online, filled out their thing a ma jig, got a call asking me to come in.  I went in.  They only differences were I think I made a better first impression this time and this agency looked slightly more promissing than the last.  The last agency I checked out, Urban Talent, never called me back.  I was told by them that if they were interested, they'd call back.  And they NEVER did!  Bummer!  Oh well!  With this one, Craze Talent, right the minute I walked in the door they were like, "You are gorgeous, you are cute, you are pretty.  We'd love to work with you!"  I filled out a sheet of paper with some of my basic info.  They gave me a business card and a pamphlet.  Told me they could get me signed on with dozens of modeling and acting projects almost instantly.  The jobs supposively pay well.  The only catch was that they want me to go get expensive professional photos to get my start, and they want me to go through specific people for my expensive photo shoot.  But no problem!  I recently took a T.A.L. class (transition into adult living) that D.C.F.S. made me do.  I'm supposed to be getting money from this class.  It should be enough to cover the cost of my photo shoot and then have some left over.  I decided that since I'm not really going to loose anything from this I'll do it!  The money is literally just being handed over to me, just for taking a stupid two-week long class, and the classes were only two hours long each.  My philosophy on matters like this is that if you never try, then it FOR SURE wont happen, but if you do try then there is a CHANCE that it will happen!  I think its worth a shot at least, since I've got nothing to loose, only things to gain from it.  The other really nice thing about it is that if shit hits the fan with this agency and it doesn't work out with them, well, then at least I've got my nice photos to show people and share, and start my portfolio, and I can use the photos for other places!  Not only that, but it'll be a great learning experience for me.  I'll keep y'all posted with how it goes with this agency! :D

Monday, July 16, 2012

Came Across Another Writer/Blogger Today!

Check out this lady's work in progress: http://inkdreamsnovel.blogspot.com/ , https://www.facebook.com/pages/InkDreams-Novel-Community/366432046713104?sk=timeline , http://www.wattpad.com/story/950732-inkdreams-excerpt .

There are a total of three links above all regarding this other/blogger that I came across today.  I think I'm going to check out this Watt Pad thingy!

Why The Hell Aren't We Just ALL Friggin Celebrities?!

I found yet another "online talent agency service".  http://www.theatrics.com/beckinfield/welcome?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=acting%20extras&utm_content=mail.google.com&utm_campaign=acting%20-%20display&gclid=CJzxzY6ln7ECFQQJRQodAys2WQ .  I don't know if these things actually ever help anyone.  Let me know!

http://www.musicxray.com/i-am-a-music-artist?gclid=CL7vt9eln7ECFSgbQgod9WdkYw , and another one! :/  God, there's so many of these things!  With as many "online talent agency services" as there are, why the Hell aren't we just ALL celebrities?!

A List of Agents for Writers That I Found, Plus A Support Network Thingy For Musicians That I found on Facebook

So here is a list of agents and their websites and contact info: http://www.writers-free-reference.com/agents/index.html .  They are agents for freelance writers.  I don't know if any of them would actually be helpful or not, because I have never really looked into getting an agent, but if I ever do I'll be sure and share my experience here on my blog!  And if you'd like, you can email me about any experience you have had with agents/agencies, be it for writing, modeling, acting, music, whatever!  If you'd like to inform people of your experience (s) with agents and agencies, so they know where to go and who to aviod, message me and I'll share it up here (but only if you want me to)! rayasmommy94@gmail.com

Also, here is a link to a support network thing a ma jig for indie musicians: http://www.facebook.com/mobileprotection#!/SubportMusic .  If you send them a short video of you discussing how you'd like to change the music industry and how you'd like to advance in your own music career, and you're chosen, they'll promote you and help you make a little money by selling their merchendise or something like that.  The only problem is I don't even have a video camera or the money for one!  D:  And I'm not nearly "good enough" or "advanced" enough to share my work anyway (at least I don't thibk I am)!  But I hope they can help other people out!  I wish you all, as a struggling artist myself, good luck!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

(Possibly) A Great Way to Earn Some Dough to Help Me Out With My Financial Troubles

I started listing some of my old stuff on KSL.  It will be a great way to cleanse myself of old, painful memories, free up some space in my room, and give me some extra cash!  Well, that's what I'm hopiung it will do!  I really could use the cash to hopefully come up with the down payment for a new place (I need a place of my own so effing bad!), maybe purchase some new art supplies, buy a camera or a laptop, or even finally start buying that recording equipment I've always wanted to get!  If the stuff I am posting on KSL actually does sell, it'll help me out A LOT!  I am really struggling to get a job and a place of my own!  Well, wish me luck.  And, I wish luck to all those who are struggling with income, finding a job or housing, or struggling to make it as a successful artist in today's world!

Interested in knowing what I'm trying to sell on KSL in attempts to progress as an artist in today's world, email me at: rayasmommy94@gmail.com , and I'll send you links to my ads if you'd like, or at least a sample list of what I'm selling.

"Mesmerized" Part 2

Recap of story so far: Edgar gets mesmerized by the reflection of a crow's eye in the ring of his attacker.  He is found dead in a brothel and is surrounded by laughter, music, and whores.  The whores soon loose interest in the dead body and decided to step out for a cigarette break.

Continuation: "Its amazing how a once-was serious pill-popper and hypochandriac can eventually become disgusted with taking meds and no longer want to do it! "Ugh, its so effing disgusting! If I have to take another pill, I'm gonna just die!" she said to me today, giving a sour face," said Elisha, the best known and most commonly asked for whore of the brothel.
"Who are you talking about," asked Brunhilda, the German whore.
"Oh, no one," said Elisha.
"No, seriously.  It was just something I had read somewhere!"
"Why are you two always bickering?" screeched Adelaide, the least requested, yet prettiest of the whores, "Just stop!"

They were soon joined by the remaining two whores of the brothel, Tallulah and London.

"How could you three be so careless like that?" shouted Tallulah from afar.  Tallulah was probably the most kind-hearted of the five whores.
"What do you mean?" asked Elisha, the snarky, shadey, backstabbing whore.
"I mean how could you three bitches care more about lighting up and smoking a pack of cigarettes then about a death that just recently happened?"  Ok, so Tallulah wasn't always light-hearted, but she was most definetly the kindest of the five.
"So, I don't know who the fuck he is!" retorted Elisha.
"Well, think about it," said London, the dumbest whore out of the bunch.  London was more focused on making money and making guys' pants pop than anything.  She didn't even care if she'd be stuck stripping and sucking cock for a living, even if she had to do it her whole life, as long as she was making some money and getting the pleasure of teasing guys and giving them boners.  "If we don't get this murder investi- what's the word?"
"Investigated!" shouted Elisha as she damn near backhanded her in the face.
"Yeah, investigated.  And cleaned up..."  She sort of began to ramble a little.  Could it possibly have been from all those damned medications she had been taking?  Or maybe it was just because she had both a short vocabulary and a short attention span.
"What is it, London?!  Cut to the chase, you dumb ass!  What the Hell is your point?!" shouted Elisha.
"I kind of, sort of lost track and forgot what I was talking about."
"Something about the murder in the brothel."
"Oh, yeah.  If we don't get this mess sorted out and get the dead body cleaned up from the brothel, we may just all be out of work."
"Out of work?  What the Hell are you talking about, you dumb ass?!"
"I mean we may all loose our jobs.  The Belle Tower may go out of business."

"Well, you dumb," said Brunhilda as she took another puff of her cigarette, "You dumbies!  Has anyone," another puff, "Has anyone even thought to call the police?"

A Continuation of My Novel

As the readers of both my blogs should already know, I have started working on a novel (so far its about a dead guy named Edgar who got hypnotized or mesmerized by a bird right before dying, and its about whores having a smoke break).  Up until now I have not had a title for this story, so for now I'm just going to call it "Mesmerized".  Any post on either of my two blogs that has "Mesmerized," or "Mesmerized Continued," or "Mesmerized Part________," or something of that sort on the title of the post will be about this novel.  I will type up a brief summary of what has already happened during the story at the begining of each "Mesmerized" post.  Remember, I am only posting up to the whole first chapter here on my blogs, and if you want to continue reading into my novel and showing me your support, you may email me a message in regards to my novel at: rayasmommy94@gmail.com

Thank you!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Model Muse is a Waste of My Time... AND The Classes I'm Thinking of Signing up For

That Model Muse website is a complete, utter waste of time!  Well, it is for me at least.  It may not be for everyone else though.  The only reason why I say it is a waste of my time is because it gives me listings for casting calls and modeling jobs and stuff, but never anything in my area.  But its been like that with almost every service like this that I try to use.  I guess Utah just isn't that popular of a place for models, actors/actresses, agents, agencies, etc.  Oh well!  I'm going to keep trying and keep looking anyway!

I'm going to be starting college up this yrear (I think in August), and as far as the courses/classes I'm thinking of signing up for, I think if at all possible I'm going to go with an acting/drama class of some sort, English, some sort of art course, maybe a music class, possibly a philosophy class... Well, to be honest I'm not entirely sure all what I want to study, and I'm sure as Hell not decided on what I want a degree in!  But I do know that my interests for the most part are art, literature, music, and fashion.  And I do know that for an acting career, the classes that would probably help me out the most would include acting/drama, and English.  I'm not sure what else.  Well, I go to check out the college on Monday and then I'll be able to get a better look at what classes they have to offer and possibly a better look at what classes I would actualy like to sign up for.  I've checked out so many different schools, but I think that since I'm not exactly rich, nor do I really know what I want to study, plus my social life is kind of hurting, I should probably just go with the community college.

Remember that if you have any suggestions or questions for me, you can always email me at: rayasmommy94@gmail.com

<3 Love always, Bridgette <3

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Theatre is Interested in Me!

So, I logged onto my Facebook and I had received a message from the Empress Theatre.  It was a reply to a message I had sent asking if they had any acting roles I could try out for.  They told me,  "Yeah, sure,  but we are a volunteer theatre only."  So, it may only be a volunteer theatre, and I wouldn't be making any money for working for them, but it would give me some experience and it just might be a heck load of fun! XD <3

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Discovered Yet Another Online Forum For People Searching For Work in the Art Fields

I came across another website to go and make an online profile, chat, upload pictures, and try and find work in the acting/modeling, music, and dance industries.  Its called http://www.exploretalent.com/.  I checked it out.  So far it seems to be much like the same thing as the other thing I was on, but this one is to supposively help musicians find work as well.  I'll just have to wait and see if either of these two websites help me out any!  Until then I will continue my searching and exploring, trying to seriously find work, and get discovered, and dinking around and having fun!

PS  Just wait for it... After awhile (during the sign up process) it does EVENTUALLY pop up a little button that says "go to my FREE profile!"

Starting A Novel

I've started on a novel recently.  Here is a link to my blog post (redirects to my other blog) that has the begining five pages to this story: http://rayasmommy.blogspot.com/2012/06/new-untitled-novel-first-five-pages.html.  I will be posting the whole first chapter here on this blog as well as on my other blog, but if after the first chapter you decide you still want to follow the story you have to "sign up" by email.  Just message me your name and something that says something along the lines of, "Hey, I really like your story on blogger so far and I'd like to recieve the next few chapters in my email."  rayasmommy94@gmail.com

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Visit Model Muse

Model Muse

So I signed up for Model Muse and made a profile.  I uploaded a few pics of myself.  I found out that it isn't just for models/modeling.  Its for actors/actresses, photographers, people in the fashion industry, etc.  Its free to make a profile and upload pics.  Here I am: http://modelmuse.net/profile/BridgetteMorrison


I just took the time to look at, and either ask for more info or respond to, like a hundred bazzilion modeling ads (so it seems) from websites like Craigslist.  Although places like this can be excelent for you to search, I'd also advice you to be careful on those sites.  I just came across this website called Model Muse, and I'm going to check it out!  The offer for you to send me your photos and info so I can post you a free clasified here on my blog still stands (refer back to this blog post: http://savingstrugglingartists.blogspot.com/2012/07/modeling-and-acting.html)

Here is a link to the Model Muse website: http://modelmuse.net/

3 Things

First off... I never did get a call back from Urban Talent.  That's ok.

Secondly, I'm starting to play more guitar again.  I am working on writing and completing enough songs to make an actual album.  I have done this before, went through all the work of finishing enough songs to make a full album, making a track list, and then just throwing them all away.  Big mistake!  I wish I had kept those songs and went on to produce an album!  Good news: There is still plenty of time for me to go through the process of writing enough songs to make an album, writing a track list, and producing my debut!  I keep telling myself, "NEVER give up on yourself... Even when everyone else has!"

And now for the third and final thing I am going to talk about in this post:  I've just barely started doing research on screenwriters today.  Look at the nifty webpage that pulled up: http://saltlakefilmsociety.org/utah-screenwriters-project/ .  I am going to continue looking into my research on screenwriters, producers, and people of that industry, just because it is so darn interesting to me, and because I'd like to write a script for a movie, or become an actress or something (maybe).

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

An Art Blog That I Came Across Today

Check these links out.  They are pretty cool (at least in my opinion)!




And a link to their homepage: http://ifitshipitshere.blogspot.com/

Modeling and Acting

So, I just recently looked into this modeling agency called Urban Talent.  I looked on the internet and found an ad on Craigslist saying that this agency was looking for models.  I emailed them and they replied rather promptly.  I ended up setting up an appointment and going into the agency.  They had me fill out this paper about my measurements and contact info and that type of stuff.  The lady talked to me for a little while, asking questions like, "How did you discover Urban Talent?  What made you interested in modeling?," and they snapped a few pictures of me (just two or three) and said, "I will send these to so-and-so, the lady who is in charge of the agency, and if she is interested then you will be recieving a phone call."  If anyone has any information regarding this modeling agency that would be nice.  Could you email it to me?  Thanks!  I'll be sure and keep y'all updated on how this goes!


Also, I'd like to know if there is anyone reading my blog who is looking to get into modeling or acting, but cannot find a place to begin and would like some help getting noticed.  If so, feel free to send an email to the above address and I'll post a "classified" right here on my blog for you.  It is completely FREE!  If you are interested, email me:

1. Your name
2. A profile picture of yourself
3. Which you are interested in (modeling, acting, or both)
4. Rather or not you have specific agencies you are interested in, and what they are
5. Years of experience (even amature experience!)

It'd also be nice if you could send me any information you have on any agency, tell me a little bit about your past experiences with agencies (good and bad), so that I may share it here on my blog for others to see, so they know the good places to go and the places to watch out for!  I will only ever share your photos or information on here with your permission!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So, I'm looking to form a band...

I like to write and play music.  I play very minimal guitar and I write both lyrics and chords for songs.  Problem is I'm getting lonely, uninspired,  and sick of playing all by myself.  So I haven't been doing much playing or writing lately, but I want really desperately to get out of my funk and begin playing and writing again.  Here's the deal...  I need someone with similar musical interests as me, who is on about the same skill level as me (if not slightly better, but just slightly), who lives around the same area that I do.  If you are interested, please send me an email at rayasmommy94@gmail.com containing the information listed below:

1. Your name (could just be your first name, your whole name, just your first and last, just your middle, or a friggin nickname for all I care).
2. Gender
3. Age
4. What instrument(s) you play (if any)
5. What kind of music you are interested in (tell me genres as well as bands you like)
6. Rather or not you write music (and if you write just the instrumental parts, just the lyric parts, or both)
7. What city you live in (this is just to check if you are a local, or if I'd actually have to travel or have you travel to meet me.  I'd prefer locals.)
8. Rather or not you sing, and your singing style (melodic, screechy, etc.)
9. How long you have played/written/sang for (in years) and how often
10.  Optional: Any links to resources you may have (such as deals on amps and guitars, indie record labels, other indie musicians, etc.)

I just want y'all to know that before you "apply," no professional experience or fame status is neccisary!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Hello.  My name is Bridgette Morrison.  I am a poet, musician, music lover, writer,  and appriciater, young mother, and a person who is completely lost as to where she wants to be in her life.  I am eighteen years of age and am struggling in this world to figure out just where I want to go and just how to get there.  If you can relate to any of those attributes, you may just love the new blog that I am creating.  My aim with this blog is to help myself learn a little more about myself and life in general, and to discover the exact direction I want to go in.  I also have hopes to help other people who are struggling to figure themselves out and to make it in this world.  In this blog I will be posting about artists and young parents who are struggling to find there way in life and ways to hopefully help guide them.