Saturday, July 14, 2012

Model Muse is a Waste of My Time... AND The Classes I'm Thinking of Signing up For

That Model Muse website is a complete, utter waste of time!  Well, it is for me at least.  It may not be for everyone else though.  The only reason why I say it is a waste of my time is because it gives me listings for casting calls and modeling jobs and stuff, but never anything in my area.  But its been like that with almost every service like this that I try to use.  I guess Utah just isn't that popular of a place for models, actors/actresses, agents, agencies, etc.  Oh well!  I'm going to keep trying and keep looking anyway!

I'm going to be starting college up this yrear (I think in August), and as far as the courses/classes I'm thinking of signing up for, I think if at all possible I'm going to go with an acting/drama class of some sort, English, some sort of art course, maybe a music class, possibly a philosophy class... Well, to be honest I'm not entirely sure all what I want to study, and I'm sure as Hell not decided on what I want a degree in!  But I do know that my interests for the most part are art, literature, music, and fashion.  And I do know that for an acting career, the classes that would probably help me out the most would include acting/drama, and English.  I'm not sure what else.  Well, I go to check out the college on Monday and then I'll be able to get a better look at what classes they have to offer and possibly a better look at what classes I would actualy like to sign up for.  I've checked out so many different schools, but I think that since I'm not exactly rich, nor do I really know what I want to study, plus my social life is kind of hurting, I should probably just go with the community college.

Remember that if you have any suggestions or questions for me, you can always email me at:

<3 Love always, Bridgette <3

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