Monday, July 23, 2012

Listening To An Indie Musician In The Park

Today I met a really nice girl named Jordan.  She is an indie musician.  Her voice is wonderful!  She's reletively good at the guitar (better than I am), and pretty.  She was singing and playing a few songs that she had wrote on the guitar.  She was recording them on her laptop.  I don't know if she was recording video files or just audio, but I assume video.  She told me that she has to send her samples in to get accepted for this show thing a ma jig she wants to do.  She said that she was planning on playing at some BYU thingy or something in a few days.  Told me that there was a recording studio that wanted to record her stuff for a shit-ton of money.  I hope she does well in her career as a musician!  She is very pretty and very talented!  Hope to see her again sometime.  She was really nice and she said she was looking for another girl to sing one of her songs with her.  She also offered to let me and encouraged me to play her guitar.  I was very tempted, but I am no good, don't know very many chords, have almost no rythm, only know how to play the songs I've written (and they're no good), and I'm much too shy to play in public still!  So, sadly, even though had I been able to get over my fear of performing in front of other people, I would have totally enjoyed it and enjoyed myself, I would have so totally had fun, but I turned her down!  I haven't, um, officially turned her down for her duet, but she didn't really officially offer either.  Anyhow, she was pretty, nice, and talented.  Hope she makes it far as a musician and I hope to run into her again sometime!  :D

-Bridgette <3

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