Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So, I'm looking to form a band...

I like to write and play music.  I play very minimal guitar and I write both lyrics and chords for songs.  Problem is I'm getting lonely, uninspired,  and sick of playing all by myself.  So I haven't been doing much playing or writing lately, but I want really desperately to get out of my funk and begin playing and writing again.  Here's the deal...  I need someone with similar musical interests as me, who is on about the same skill level as me (if not slightly better, but just slightly), who lives around the same area that I do.  If you are interested, please send me an email at rayasmommy94@gmail.com containing the information listed below:

1. Your name (could just be your first name, your whole name, just your first and last, just your middle, or a friggin nickname for all I care).
2. Gender
3. Age
4. What instrument(s) you play (if any)
5. What kind of music you are interested in (tell me genres as well as bands you like)
6. Rather or not you write music (and if you write just the instrumental parts, just the lyric parts, or both)
7. What city you live in (this is just to check if you are a local, or if I'd actually have to travel or have you travel to meet me.  I'd prefer locals.)
8. Rather or not you sing, and your singing style (melodic, screechy, etc.)
9. How long you have played/written/sang for (in years) and how often
10.  Optional: Any links to resources you may have (such as deals on amps and guitars, indie record labels, other indie musicians, etc.)

I just want y'all to know that before you "apply," no professional experience or fame status is neccisary!

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