Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Random Rant About: "Oh Awesomeness! They Are Actually Reading My Blog! XD And, Why Aren't Those Emails Coming In Yet?", PLUS... My Arsenic Addiction Quiz Results

Awesomeness!  I am really happy to see that this blog is getting more and more views!  My other blog, honestly, I don't really care one way or another, if people read it or not!  It is unimportant to me and it is just about random shit, and it should be unimportant to you too!  But for wahtever reason my blog about random-shit-ness gets zillions of more views and a lot more support than my blog about rescuing struggling artists and helping them survive in society.  So, I ask... Which one is more important to you?  Really?!  Random-shit-ness... Or saving struggling artists?!  To me the art and the artists are WAY more important.  It probably is just because the other blog is way older than this blog, and the fact that it links to way more other pages than this blog does.  I mean, really, I can't think of any other reason (s) why the other blog would be getting so many more views than this one.  I'm just glad to see, that all-be-it slow, the view count for this blog is climbing up and up!  I hope that this blog about saving struggling artists and helping their art/music get noticed and get support, continues to get visitors and supporters!

I would also like to know why those emails aren't coming through yet.  I haven't even recieved a single email from any of you asking for me to support you, as an artist/musician, and advertise you and your art/music/expertise here on my blog, even though my services are completely FREE!  Go ahead, shoot an email my way!  rayasmommy94@gmail.com

Last, but not least (for this post anyway):
I took a quiz on what Arsenic Addiction band member I am.  I got Ripper Arsenic.  Here's his description and a link to the quiz so you may also take it if you like:

"You are Ripper! Charming, witty, and sly, you are quite the master in the art of seduction but very egocentric. You can convince anyone of almost anything with a few words and a flick of your hand. Loyal to no one but yourself, you tend to have a hard time keeping long term relationships of any kind, whether they ended naturally or *cough* abruptly by some misfortune. You can entertain a crowd with your larger than life personality, and thrive on the attention. Don't let your cocky attitude get the best of you, your natural charms could be put to far better use, if you'd stop using them for personal gain. "


I will be posting more about the band Arsenic Addiction here on my blog.  They are a great band (metal).  The lead vocalist is a female who goes by the name of Lady Arsenic.  These guys (and gal) are great!  I actually know them in person.  So, go ahead and check out my personal friends and one of my many musical obsessions, Arsenic Addiction.  Go send them some love and support! <3

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