Monday, January 7, 2013

Good News, Fans (About the Story "Mesmerized")

I have decided that I am going to continue it!  I have put a lot of thought into it and have been weighing my options carefully, and have thoroughly contemplated inside my head rather or not I think I want to or should continue working on "Mesmerized," and posting it here for all my blog viewers to read, and after all of that time and careful thought... I have decided that I am in fact going to go on with the story!!!

From now on, here's how I'll do it... I'll put in the title of the blog post the word "Mesmerized" and the number of the segment we are on (example: "Mesmerized" Part 3) and at the beginning of each post I will put a link to the last post, that way my fans don't get lost and wonder what the heck is going on or where the Hell I am picking back up from.  And I am counting this one as part two, and the last one as part one (continuing the story, restarting the segment count, and making the segments longer.  Sorry for any confusion).

Starting with this one...

(Where I am picking back up from this time)

Continuation:  ...But just as she had said that, a fleet of ambulances, firetrucks, and police cars started pulling up towards the hotel.

At first each of the five whores (except for London who was dumb, fluffy, air-headed and not paying any attention at all, nor really caring to) saw but one firetruck and made no connection whatsoever that someone had called 911 from the inside of the hotel.  The firetruck was turning up the street and going in the wrong direction.  They all just assumed that the firetruck was headed elsewhere.  As each of them put out there cigarette and began reaching for the next one out of the carton, the firetruck began doubling back towards the hotel and behind it followed the rest of the fleet of emergency vehicles.  As the fleet of emergency vehicles pulled closer and closer to the hotel, the screeches and sirens from each of the vehicles grew louder in the whores' ears.

"Wait, where's Tallulah?" asked one of the other whores.  London did stand by during the whole incident thus far, she just didn't pay any attention to any of it.  Tallulah, on the other hand, was apparently absent.  So it really had been only Brunhilda, Elisha, and Adelaide who had truly witnessed all the excitement surrounding the fleet of emergency vehicles and the event of them showing up to the hotel.

Tallulah had run inside after about her third or fourth cigarette (she was quite a heavy smoker, but not nearly as much as the other four were), but none of the other four whores had even seen her leave or noticed her gone until one of them turned around and saw her absence and asked about her whereabouts.
"She must of gone back inside," replied another whore as she put out her cigarette and exhaled her last bit of smoke, and as a police officer approached them, "It is cold out here and she was wearing only a thong and some pasties with a mere little sheer shawl down around her lower arms after all."

"What seems to be the problem here, what can we help with tonight, why were we called tonight ma'am?" asked the officer.  The fleet of ambulances, police cars, and firetrucks remained parked distantly, but not too distantly (in the guest parking of the hotel) behind the officer that was now talking to the ladies, and the emergency personnel stayed near the parked vehicles (all but the one officer speaking with the whores).

Meanwhile, inside the hotel...

There lay Edgar's cold dead body, untouched, still in the middle of the floor in the brothel.  And Tallulah had in fact been inside the hotel this whole time.  There she was standing next to the phone.  She had been the one to make the phone call to 911.  She just stood there, staring of into the abyss, frozen in shock...


- <3 Bridgette

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