Hi, friends! I do have a very sad and unfortunate bit of news to share with you all... I will be having to get rid of my home internet in a few days here (on Valentine's Day, of all days!) due to the fact I don't have enough money to pay for it. But don't worry... I will be trying to make an effort to get my ass on over to the library, McDonald's, Subway, Brew Monkey, etc. to use their free wifi (for the low, low price of enough money to pay for a muffin and a cup of coffee, or a bag of chips or something, on occasion) as often as possible to update you all on fun, new, exciting artsy/music stuffs!!!
Anyhow, I started this blog post to inform you all of a new poem (and potential song) that I just wrote tonight. I call it "When Hope and Innocence Get Shot." The lines/lyrics are as follows (and are in quotation marks):
"Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason
They'll probably be tried for treason
Unless they are a cop
In which case, they can do anything they want
And don't have to stop
Even if it goes against the law
Or has no just cause
They don't have to protect your rights or your lives
Neither do the lawyers
Unseen by the girl in the foyer
They'll hide with guns by the stairs
And shoot her for fun because no one cares
Another innocent youth dead
Took an unnecessary bullet to the head
Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason
They better keep away from this place
Because it has been damned
And their face is a disgrace
And they've let themselves go to waste
Which is a dying shame
But I'll no longer be crying out your name
No longer be searching for you or trying to help you
Because all my efforts to do so have been in vain
And you've let yourself get weak and lame
And our friendship is as dead
As the innocent girl who took a bullet to the head
Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason
It doesn't count if you don't get caught
And I don't mind as long as no innocence or hope gets shot
And no life gets lost
And no harm is done, and it's worth the cost
It better be for a good cause
Or I'll tell you to go to Hell and get lost
Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason
Some of them were my friends
And they've only run themselves down empty paths and into dead ends
Some of them now live rather smugly
And when innocence and hope dies, the world gets rather ugly
Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason
Some of them were my friends
And some still are, until we reach our bloody dead ends
When innocence sheds blood, angels shed tears
And we can finally embrace all of our fears
And live like Death is slowly crawling near
And like we are suddenly gonna lose everyone dear
Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason
Some of them are my friends
And will be until we reach our bloody dead ends
Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason
Some of them live rather smugly
And when innocence and hope dies, the world gets rather ugly
Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason
When innocence sheds blood, angels shed tears
And we can finally embrace all of our fears
And live like Death is slowly crawling near
And like we are suddenly gonna lose everyone dear."
So, yeah... That's pretty much it. I haven't really written any actual music to go along with it (or decided on rather or not I'm going to do that) yet. If I screwed up the words a bit or left any of them out on accident, I do apologize. I tried to make sure that that didn't happen. I even read it and re-read it over and over again, being sure to try and pick out all the mistakes and correct them... I skimmed through it several times for good measure! I think that I buffed out and patched up all of the blemishes, but I'm not entirely sure, to be honest! Go ahead and tell me what you all think of it. Feedback, comments, suggestions, and support is always greatly appreciated!
And, before I close this blog post, I would like to deliver to you the other thing I had promised you in the title (news about new and old paintings... Ok, so I didn't mention old paintings, but this news will also be in regards to them as well as the new ones, and as for the "and other important stuff," that was addressed at the very beginning. That's what that little note about my internet getting shut off soon was!)
The news I have for you about the new and old paintings is this: I have been working on some new paintings recently. Some are finished, but some aren't quite there yet. I will be trying to make an effort in getting the unfinished ones done, and I will be uploading pictures of some of those paintings to the blog, so be on the look out for those! I will also probably be adding some pictures of some of my older paintings!
So sad to depart once again, my friends, but I must go now... Don't worry... I'll be back eventually. This isn't good bye forever!
-Bridgette <3