Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Crazy Little Picture I drew to Cheer Myself Up

Some days I just get so bored and upset.  Sometimes I just don't know what to do with those feelings.  Sometimes I end up making crazy things and coming up with crazy ideas and thoughts.  Here is an example of that:

Today I was bored and sad, so I made this.  It is a drawing of a cat disguised as a dog, dog disguised as a cat, rat disguised as a fish, and a fish disguised as a rat.  It says, "I wonder if they'll fall for it."  The sad irony of it is that sometimes pain and angst sprout beautiful and amusing things.

-Bridgette Mae <3 

"Mesmerized" Continuation 5

Where we last left off: http://savingstrugglingartists.blogspot.com/2013/01/mesmerized-continuation-4.html

Continuation:  As officer Ileus left Florence's office, the door came slamming down behind him, Florence let out one last angry, grunting, panting, sigh, Ileus walked passed the two guards, and back into the room with the whores.  Tallulah was still in her trance, but for some reason this no longer seemed to bother or phase the police officer.  Suddenly he had other things on his mind (and they weren't the things that he was originally sent out to the brothel for).  For some reason, all of the sudden, he seemed to no longer care about the murder investigation, the 911 call, the girl stuck in a trance, or any of his duties as a police officer.  He had an odd glimmer in his eyes that wasn't there before.

"What's with your facial expression?" asked Brunhilda.
"What on earth do you mean?" replied officer Ileus.
"It's just... It's just different than when before you went in to talk to the boss.  That's all."
"What the heck do you mean?  How could I possibly look any different than I did half an hour ago?  I certainly don't feel any different!"

Officer Ileus began heading for the exit of the brothel.  He was even walking differently, staggering and swaying clumsily about, where as before he was walking like normal.  The three whores that were fully with it noticed this, and they couldn't help but scratch their foreheads and stand in wonder as to why this was.

"You're walking kind of funny, sir," one of the women finally said.
"What do you mean?  Don't insult me!  I'm walking just fine!"
"Stop it right this instant, or I will have you charged with insulting a police officer."
(Is that even a real charge?  They all wondered.)

"Anyhow, carry on," said the police officer as he made his way to the exit, "Nothing to see here, nothing out of the ordinary going on here.  Bye.  Remember to have a real emergency next time when calling the police, or we'll arrest you!"

And with that, Officer Ileus was gone.  He and the rest of the police, firetrucks, and ambulances, and emergency personnel set out to leave the hotel and go back to headquarters or to venture onto their next assignments.

"That was weird," said Elisha.
"Yes it was," replied Adelaide.

The three of them (Brunhilda, Elisha, and Adelaide) continued to carry out a conversation among each other.

"He practically didn't do anything."
"Yeah, the murder case hasn't been investigated, the dead body is still here in the middle of the floor, and he was acting pretty strange as he left the boss's office!  Why the sudden changes in the way his eyes looked, in the way he stepped, in the way-"
"I know.  Everything just went totally weird!"  (The last one to interject a comment into the conversation was interrupted with this comment.)
"And then he practically acted like nothing happened and threatened to arrest us for 'insulting a police officer' and dialing 911 without reason.  And left."
"Strange... This whole thing is just so strange!"
"But, what do we do next then?" asked Elisha, and as she did Florence came trailing out of his back office and into the main lobby of the brothel.

"Hello, girls," he said.  He was doing his usually gross, creepy stare and drool, and for whatever reason he just couldn't resist touching the women inappropriately and making sexist comments and sexual jokes and innuendos.  Although this did disturb the women greatly (well, the ones that were smart enough to understand it), this was nothing new to them.  They were just used to it.  But London was too dumb to understand just how creepy and disgusting the boss was.

Tallulah seemed to momentarily snap out of her trance after hearing her boss speak.  "Hello, boss," she replied.  Her facial expression went back to normal.  She still had a strange glimmer in her eyes, but Tallulah just naturally had a glimmer to her eye.  The glimmer that was brought on by the trance was completely different from her natural shine.

"Good evening, Tellulah," he replied.
"What's going on?" she asked.


-Bridgette Mae <3 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

We Finally Have A Cover Image and A Profile Picture For The Facebook Page

We finally got the cover photo for the Facebook page finished, and I guess we decided that it works for the profile picture as well (by we, I mean Chaz and I).  Below I will add the picture so you may all take a look at it:

It is pretty simple, but it works.  It simply says, "Saving Struggling Artists," on it and has a hand holding a pencil 'drawing' out the design, and underneath it there are various art supplies (a paint can, paint brush, eraser) and a musical note.  I hand-drew the design myself.

Here is a link to the Facebook page (I'm pretty sure that I have already linked it to the blog before, but it is a reminder, and also it provides people who like to visit my blog the opportunity to see the new additions to the Facebook page including the new cover photo and profile picture, as well as the description that has just recently been added.):  http://www.facebook.com/SavingStrugglingArtists

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Update About the Logo for Saving Struggling Artists, etc.

Hi, Bridgette here again!  I just wanted to let you all know that I was going to be working on the logo for "Saving Struggling Artists."  No one wanted to enter the contest I had set up, I guess, which is totally ok.  I have decided that enough time has passed by that if no one is going to help me with the artwork for the logo for our Facebook page and blog, that I must do it myself, because "Saving Struggling Artists" cant go on like this without a logo!  It just feels so incomplete without it.  And the fact that I'll be making it myself (maybe with or without my Love, Chaz's help) means that it'll have a more customized, homemade feel and look.  It's fine!  Either I will, or he and I will be hand-drawing it (or at least arranging and taking our own photos for it).

Also, I have made Chaz an admin on the Facebook page (I will be sharing this blog post and also announcing the fact we have a new admin on the Facebook page).  I have decided to ask for his assistance and have him co-run this whole entire operation with me!  It is so nice to have a friend in the business...  lol.

So, now that we have the important things out of the way, I would also like to just add a quick note that I will be working on my song (that started as a simple poem, like most of my "songs") called "With Love" today, and possibly tomorrow.  I want to get that thing done!

Oh, one more thing before I close...  As far as the "book sale" goes, I may or may not still be doing that.  I am considering canceling that.

-Bridgette Mae <3 

P.S.  I have decided that I want to sign these as "Bridgette Mae," rather than just "Bridgette" from now on.  I decided to add in my middle name, because I like my middle name and I think it flows really well with my  first name.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Selling Books, Trying to Earn Money for Charity

I have a bunch of used books...  A TON of them!  I have tried eBay and tons of other places with no luck...  I am trying to sell them so that I can earn a bit of money to help out those in need.  I am hoping to receive just a very small amount of money (USD) for the books that I can use it to help a few struggling artists, teen parents, and homeless people in need.

You can just buy the whole entire lot as a bulk buy if you would like, or you can buy them each separate, or any combination of the below for a very low, low price (email me and make an offer if you are interested):

"Fifty Shades of Grey" By: E.L. James

"Makiko's Diary: A Merchant Wife in 1910 Kyoto"  Nakano Makiko and Kazuko Smith

"Goosebumps: Horror Land: Dr. Maniac Vs. Robby Schwartz" By: R.L. Stine

"Wonder When You'll Miss Me: A Novel" By: Amanda Davis

"101 Things Every Kid Should Do Growing Up" By: Alecia T. Devantier

"The Ax" By: Donald E. Westlake

"Kids Can Do It: Knitting" By: Judy Ann Sadler

"Pygmalion" By: George Bernard Shaw

"Kimmie 66" By: Aaron Alexovich

"Peasant Chick: A Guide to Making Unique Clothing Using Traditional Folk Designs" By: Esther R. Holderness

"The Great Movie Stars: The Golden Years" By: David Shipman

"Mythology" By: Edith Hamilton

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle" By: Washington Irving

and "Going Through the Gate" By: Janet S. Anderson.

Obviously, none of these books were written by me.  I'm willing to settle for just about any price between $00.24, and whatever is the highest you want to offer, depending on which one (s) you want to buy.  I don't really have a set price for any of them, and pretty much I am just going to base the sell price off of whatever people are willing to offer.

Every little bit helps someone in need, helps a lot, and is appreciated!

Anyone willing to purchase any of the above books will be added to the list of people to send out a free "Saving Struggling Artists" t-shirt to when we are able to get them made (as will anyone who helps me out with this other predicament that you already know about, but I am giving you a friendly reminder of it anyway: http://savingstrugglingartists.blogspot.com/2013/02/we-have-new-facebook-page.html ).  Thank you!

P.S. Also feel free to email me if you would like pictures of the above books for sale or are interested in buying them.

-Bridgette <3 

Fresh Lyrics to a Poem/Song I just Wrote Tonight... Plus, News About New Paintings and Other Important Things

Hi, friends!  I do have a very sad and unfortunate bit of news to share with you all...  I will be having to get rid of my home internet in a few days here (on Valentine's Day, of all days!) due to the fact I don't have enough money to pay for it.  But don't worry...  I will be trying to make an effort to get my ass on over to the library, McDonald's, Subway, Brew Monkey, etc. to use their free wifi (for the low, low price of enough money to pay for a muffin and a cup of coffee, or a bag of chips or something, on occasion) as often as possible to update you all on fun, new, exciting artsy/music stuffs!!!

Anyhow, I started this blog post to inform you all of a new poem (and potential song) that I just wrote tonight.  I call it "When Hope and Innocence Get Shot."  The lines/lyrics are as follows (and are in quotation marks):

"Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason
They'll probably be tried for treason

Unless they are a cop
In which case, they can do anything they want
And don't have to stop
Even if it goes against the law
Or has no just cause

They don't have to protect your rights or your lives

Neither do the lawyers
Unseen by the girl in the foyer
They'll hide with guns by the stairs
And shoot her for fun because no one cares
Another innocent youth dead
Took an unnecessary bullet to the head

Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason

They better keep away from this place
Because it has been damned
And their face is a disgrace
And they've let themselves go to waste
Which is a dying shame
But I'll no longer be crying out your name
No longer be searching for you or trying to help you
Because all my efforts to do so have been in vain
And you've let yourself get weak and lame

And our friendship is as dead
As the innocent girl who took a bullet to the head

Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason

It doesn't count if you don't get caught
And I don't mind as long as no innocence or hope gets shot
And no life gets lost
And no harm is done, and it's worth the cost
It better be for a good cause
Or I'll tell you to go to Hell and get lost

Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason

Some of them were my friends
And they've only run themselves down empty paths and into dead ends

Some of them now live rather smugly
And when innocence and hope dies, the world gets rather ugly

Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason

Some of them were my friends
And some still are, until we reach our bloody dead ends

When innocence sheds blood, angels shed tears
And we can finally embrace all of our fears
And live like Death is slowly crawling near
And like we are suddenly gonna lose everyone dear

Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason

Some of them are my friends
And will be until we reach our bloody dead ends

Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason

Some of them live rather smugly
And when innocence and hope dies, the world gets rather ugly

Some criminals strike with virtue
Some are only out to hurt you
But whatever the reason

When innocence sheds blood, angels shed tears
And we can finally embrace all of our fears
And live like Death is slowly crawling near
And like we are suddenly gonna lose everyone dear."


So, yeah...  That's pretty much it.  I haven't really written any actual music to go along with it (or decided on rather or not I'm going to do that) yet.  If I screwed up the words a bit or left any of them out on accident, I do apologize.  I tried to make sure that that didn't happen.  I even read it and re-read it over and over again, being sure to try and pick out all the mistakes and correct them...  I skimmed through it several times for good measure!  I think that I buffed out and patched up all of the blemishes, but I'm not entirely sure, to be honest!  Go ahead and tell me what you all think of it.  Feedback, comments, suggestions, and support is always greatly appreciated!

And, before I close this blog post, I would like to deliver to you the other thing I had promised you in the title (news about new and old paintings...  Ok, so I didn't mention old paintings, but this news will also be in regards to them as well as the new ones, and as for the "and other important stuff," that was addressed at the very beginning.  That's what that little note about my internet getting shut off soon was!)

The news I have for you about the new and old paintings is this: I have been working on some new paintings recently.  Some are finished, but some aren't quite there yet.  I will be trying to make an effort in getting the unfinished ones done, and I will be uploading pictures of some of those paintings to the blog, so be on the look out for those!  I will also probably be adding some pictures of some of my older paintings!

So sad to depart once again, my friends, but I must go now...  Don't worry...  I'll be back eventually.  This isn't good bye forever!

-Bridgette <3 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Me Doing A Vocal Cover of the Rise Against song "Swing Life Away"

I did a vocal cover of a song called "Swing Life Away," by a band called "Rise Against."  I do not claim ownership to their song or the rights to it, etc.  It was just a warm up practice for my singing voice (because my beloved Chaz and I are considering making a cover/duet of this song.  I would do the vocals and he would be on guitar.  It'll probably be acoustic if we do decide to do it).  I do want to warn you that the audio quality still isn't top notch or anything fancy (because I haven't had it replaced or upgraded yet), but in my personal opinion, I think this one came out better (or at least louder) than a lot of my prior recordings that you have all already heard!

I was still warming up, so I'm not singing at my best in this video, but it is what it is (oh, how I hate that saying!  lol).  Also, I just wanted to add a quick side note about the image I have chosen to use in this video...  The picture is of me and my little brother, Sean, when we were small children.  He is no longer alive (died at the age of 15 by deadly force used by a cop).  I was extremely emotionally close to Sean during our childhood!  Anyways, this is an image of us (my brother and I) at some dance thing that I did (I used to do dance as a kid).  Hope you enjoy (or at least don't have curdling blood coming out of your ears and aren't screaming in extreme agony from all the inner ear pain after listening to this)...

-Bridgette <3 

We Have A New Facebook Page :)

"Saving Struggling Artists" now has its own Facebook page!  Don't worry, though...  The Facebook page wont replace the blog!  It'll just accompany it.  Here is the link if you'd like to go check it out: http://www.facebook.com/SavingStrugglingArtists

Saving Struggling Artists's Facebook page is brand new, practically (just made it a few days ago), and fresh, so it is still kind of in its baby stage, as far as "development" goes.  I haven't added a description or a profile picture or anything fancy to it yet.  Also, if you are wondering who made this wonderful-ish blog and the Facebook profile for it, here is the link to my personal Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/punkhippiedemonchild666?ref=tn_tnmn

I will be drawing the new design for the profile picture for the Facebook page (for the blog) pretty soon here.  Any ideas?  If you have any ideas for what the profile or cover photo for the Facebook page should be, please contact me (via commenting on the blog post, posting on the Facebook page, messaging me on my Facebook page, or emailing me.  Any of those options work well!), and if I choose to go with your idea or somehow integrate your idea into the design I make, I will credit you on both the actual blog and the Facebook page, do a blog post dedicated to just you and the ideas behind the design, and also add you to the "To send an official 'Saving Struggling Artists' t-shirt (once we make them)" list (and I will give you the shirt for FREE)!!!  But...  I may also just come up with the designs all by myself...  I haven't decided yet.

As always, with love,

-Bridgette <3 

P.S.  Thank you all so much for your patience, feedback, and support.  It is greatly appreciated!

A Video By Arsenic Addiction And A Get Well Soon Card

Below are two links.  One is to a Youtube video by my close personal friends, and local metal band, "Arsenic Addiction."  I think I might have linked it onto this blog once or twice before, but I just wanted to remind you of them, my dear fans!  I don't want them to be forgotten and fade away...  Anyhow, the song is called "Lady Death."  (I am not in their band and I do not claim ownership of their videos, music, lyrics, or anything related to their talent and success.  I am just trying to show my care and respect for them and help them to get noticed more.)

The second link will take you directly to their main Youtube page.



Also, in case you did not already know, they have new stuff out now.  It is pretty awesome!  I am going to their up and coming concert with Nile and a few others in March...  Super, super excited!

I will also post you a link to their Facebook page here:  http://www.facebook.com/DoseOfArsenic?fref=ts

Ok, and now, time for my picture of the get well soon card I made for Lady Arsenic/Hailey (the lead singer), because she is currently sick and has been for a little while:

I drew her an oil pastel drawing of a rat in a tea cup next to a chocolate cupcake with a cherry and sprinkles on top of it.  It says "Hopefully Butcher and Ripper can severe some chicken necks to obtain some blood, so the Professor can concoct a potion to help you get over this infectious Plague. Hope you get feeling better, Lady A!"  (It mentions the names of each of the band member's band personas and it is just a cute, little joke, that I am glad to see they took in good humor.)  :)

-Bridgette <3 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Masquerade Art

I simply love to make masquerade masks, but I haven't been able to in a while (due to financial restraints).  I also love painting (and playing the guitar).  I just love creating!  I love art and music more than anything in the world (except for my daughter, my boyfriend, and my pet rats).  I love constructing things and doing things with my hands...  As a kid, I always wanted to be constructing, deconstructing, or reconstructing something (even if I'm not always the best at it)!  Anyhow, this is a blog post that is supposed to be about Masquerade masks and art that has to do with them, not a documentary on my life!

As I said before, I love to make masquerade masks, but haven't been able to for a while because I haven't had the money to purchase the material.  Out of the blue, I just decided to Google the EXACT words "functional masquerade art ideas" today.  Here are some of the things I found:

The above webpage has an article about the history, meaning of the word, etc. surrounding Masquerade masks.  There is also a link to another webpage, directly below the article (which I will post right underneath this sentence).

It is to a website called "Labyrinth Masquerade."  It is apparently some sort of venue/event thing in Los Angeles, but since I am too broke and live too far away, I wont be going to it anytime soon (if ever), as much as I would love to!  It looks like they have some sort of masquerade hotel theater thing going on, and it looks pretty darn cool! :)

A quick note about the first link on this post:  There are three images of masquerade masks featured on that page.  The first on is of what appears to be a three-faced lady.  It is kind of strange, yet interesting, and beautiful all at once!  Its got the one face in the center, and then its got one on either side looking off in opposite directions.  The one in the center looks kind of mad or concerned, but it is still quite a pretty mask.

The second one is a simple gold mask, with (I'm guessing) a ribbon edging and a single rhinestone.  This picture has a background that appears to feature the mask being on a porcelain face (a mannequin, maybe?), and feathers.

The third and final image featured on the article page, is a long-nosed white mask with accents of silver and a few musical notes on it.

Of the three, I'm going to have to say that my favorite is the three-faced one, but they are all still really pretty.


Reverting back to my Google search, the very first image to pop up (and it actually fits the search.  Yay!) is a picture of a potted plant with the pot being made to look like a masquerade mask.  Below is the image of it and the link to the webpage it is from:

Oops...  I goofed!  LOL.  It isn't a potted plant in a pot "made to look like a mask."  It actually is a mask/hat combo.  Well, either way, it is nice.  This is simply beautiful (so beautiful I confused it for having real flowers)!


Here is a beautiful painting that pulls up for my search: 

This painting is done by an artist named Elsa Bluethner.  Here is a link to more art by her and more information about her:  http://faso.com/fineartviews/53851/faso-featured-artists-artist-elsa-bluethner


And finally, a link to the original search (posted above), where a lot of really pretty, beautiful, fantastic, interesting, strange, and unique things pop up (some of which are semi-related to the search, but a lot aren't).

-Bridgette <3 

P.S.  I just might post pictures of my own original Masquerade art one of these days! ;) 

Monday, February 4, 2013

"Dub-step" in Under 2 Minutes

My silly-ass boyfriend, Chaz McIntyre, did this simple video out of boredom to show how little talent and effort you actually need to put into making a dub-step song.  It took him less than 5 minutes to make, and pretty much all he really used was his voice and the recording program called "Audacity."

He was just bored and dinking around.  He doesn't hate dub-step fans personally, but he isn't a big fan of the genre and sometimes boredom can drive you to do crazy things.

-Bridgette and Chaz <3 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I've finally completed my song Called "A Song About Leaving Earth," And Here I Am, Sharing it With Everyone!

:)  Hello there!  It's Bridgette again.  I have finally gotten around to finishing this song, and here is the video for it.  I do apologize that I just keep using the same image over and over again and not really doing anything exciting with my "videos."

Before watching/listening to it, though, please read this lovely little note about it first:

Formally known as "If You're Gonna Go Away."

Lyrics:  If you're gonna go away, please let me follow
We can go away for good
Life has never been good
People have never treated us right

Weren't meant to be here
Weren't meant to live

The pain lives on, our hearts and souls will never die

Do we have the right to question why
When we aren't perfect, do we have the right to criticize


We'll never get to where we want to be
Never be perfect, never be free

The pain lives on, our hearts and souls will never die

Do we have the right to question why

If you're gonna go away, please let me follow
We can go away for good, go away for good, we can go away for good
If you're gonna go away, please let me follow

Thanks and you're welcome!

-Bridgette <3 

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Cool Freebie I Just Got in the Mail Today!

A while back I had found a random free business card at Grey Whale that caught my attention and I picked it up and decided to investigate.  It was for something called "Escape Goat Records."  On the business card was an email address and I decided to contact them through email.  We discussed rather or not I could get some of my artwork and/or poetry featured in one of their up and coming issues and rather or not I could play some of my music at one of their public shows.  I didn't get very far with that discussion, by the way, but I did end up receiving a free copy of one of their magazines today.  It's pretty cool!  It's called "Source."

You can contact them by email at: escapegoatrecords@hushmail.com .  And, as always, at the end of this blog post, I will include the email address that you can contact me at!

-Bridgette <3