Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Another Song Recording That I Made

You all know that video that I just recently uploaded (the one of the intro for my song called "If You're Gonna Go Away")?  Well, I made a new recording of it, and the new recording is so much better!  It cuts out less, is less crackly, more clear, and just all over easier on the ears and more pleasant to listen to.  I promise, really, it is better!  I would appreciate it if you would give it a chance and tell me what you think.  I also changed the visual a little bit just to spruce things up.  It is the exact same image as before, but it has effects added to it (nothing fancy).  So, here we go...

Thanks for the patience, thanks for watching/listening, thanks for the support, and thanks for the input.  It is greatly appreciated!

-Bridgette <3 

P.S.  I am changing the name of the song from "If You're Gonna Go Away" to "A Song About Leaving Earth!"

Monday, January 28, 2013

An Excerpt From A Story That I Am Working on That Will NOT Be Posted On Blogger

Here is a copy of the whole entire first page of a brand new story that I am working on.  This story does not yet have a title and it is a story that I will not continue to feature on Blogger (or any other website).  It is a story that I am planning on making into an actual book, unlike "Mesmerized" (actually I haven't yet decided rather or not I'm going to try and publish "Mesmerized" into a real book), and I am only going to share with you all the full first page, because I want some suggestions, comments, and feedback!  Please tell me what you all think.  Ok, here goes...


“A woman has a voice. A woman deserves to have a voice. A woman should be allowed to talk, sing, and shout with her beautiful voice all she wants, but she shouldn't be demanded or forced to do so. A woman's voice is there to be heard. A woman should be heard, not herded like donkeys, sheep, or cattle, but listened to.

I am really not trying to sound sexist here. I am a feminist and care deeply about my fellow women and their rights, as well as those of my own.

“I also care about men and their rights as well (but sometimes I just have problems with them and they just really bug the shit out of me). Well, sometimes both men and women bug the shit out of me, but one thing that I have observed over the few years I have been alive and roaming this Earth (and through reading textbooks and crap on the matter) is that this world is very sexist and biased towards women, and sadly, actually has been for many, many years. Will it ever not be? And why is it? Why has it been? Who the hell knows?!

“My name is Jezebel Desdemona. Yes, I know what you all must be thinking... “Haha, your name means 'Unexalted, uninspired, dull.' And isn't it the typical name for a slut or girl who works in a brothel? And that last name? It means 'of the devil'? Come on. Really?” Yeah, I know... I get it all the time! But, contrary to my name, I am actually very inspired (well, sometimes)! I think that it was my parents who were 'uninspired' when they chose my name. And, um, no, I am not a slut, hooker, or person who works at a brothel. Seriously! The name 'Jezebel' is like so over done!

Well, anyways, I am here today to tell you my story and to 'go back in time,' so to speak, and take a trip down memory lane and share with you all my past experiences, all the events leading me up to where I am now, and my inspirations, triumphs, and extemporaneous, impromptu-esque thoughts and actions of spontaneity and insanity.

“My tale, in its entirety or in parts, is not an easy one to stomach or process correctly in one's intellectual ideological thought capacitor. I would proceed with caution if I were you, if you are going to go on chatting with me and listening to what I have to say, because I am going to tell you all of it, even the gruesome, insane, and completely disgusting parts. I am going to do my best to not leave out a single event or detail of utmost importance. And I am warning you... This tale has a few extremely gross, foul, and bitter parts, and I do not have a filter for my nuncupative inklings, nor for my internal contemplations.”

“I still want to hear it.”

“Ok, if you insist!”

“Of course I do. You are quite an interesting person and there is just so much about you that I am dying to know!”

“Alright... I warned you! But you insisted...”


So...  What do you think of it?  Please let me know!  Thanks for reading...

-Bridgette <3

A Quick Apology and An Update For All of My Fans About My Email Address

Hello again, dear fans!  I just wanted you all to know that in the post I just did a few minutes ago about Heidi Taillefer, I had a very small, yet still very crucial typing error!  I caught it, but unfortunately I didn't quite catch it in time!  Two people had already viewed that post before I saw my mistake and fixed it.  I did fix it though...  When I was adding my email address at the end like I always do at the end of my posts, I accidentally forgot the "94," so I ended up putting in "rayasmommy@gmail.com" on accident instead of "rayasmommy94@gmail.com ."  So if you ever see in my posts that I had put in my "email address," but there is no "94" after "rayas mommy," then it is WRONG!  You will not be able to reach me at that email address and I will not be able to access email there...  The CORRECT email address for me is rayasmommy94@gmail.com (WITH a number "94."  Please remember that, and again, I do apologize!).  Thank you!  And sorry for the mess up!  :)

-Bridgette <3 

rayasmommy94@gmail.com  (WITH a "94")  :) 

Another Video Intro By Me

Here is a video intro for my song called "If You're Gonna Go Away."  I just barely recorded this tonight.  It isn't the full song, it is just an intro for my song, and it has a picture of me in Minnie Mouse ears as the "video" background.  Enjoy (or don't.  But I hope you do!)

Thanks so much for all your support and input!

-Bridgette <3 

More Art By Heidi Taillefer

As promised at the end of my last blog post, here is that other post about Heidi Taillefer and her artwork.  The last time I did a blog post for her I had plenty of pictures of her artwork, but this time it'll just be a few pieces that I just recently discovered.  I just discovered them tonight in fact.

 I think this is a picture of Heidi herself with one of her pieces!
Again, I had to censor them and I am truly sorry!

And here is a link to a Facebook page containing her artwork: http://www.facebook.com/pages/HEIDI-TAILLEFER/17651463533

-Bridgette <3 

The Art of James Labold

If you all liked the blog posts I did on Heidi Taillefer and her artwork, you're mostly likely going to love this as well!  I just came across this artist on a website called see.me.  I used to use see.me, but I had to quit only because I did not have the money for it and, honestly, after all this time I don't remember how to log in to my account.  It actually is a pretty cool website though, and I do wish that I could have continued to use it and its services!  Anyhow, moving on.  I still get emails from them from time to time and tonight (I don't remember if it was an actual link in the email or if it was just something I had clicked on after opening the link in the email) I got an email from them and decided (hey, why the heck not?!) to click on it and pull up their website, and I happened to come across the profile page for an artist named James Labold.

Here is a picture of the first piece of his artwork that I stumbled upon:
I thought it was a pretty interesting piece.  For those of you who can't completely tell what it is, it is some sort of human torso, with a heart in it and below the heart there are people that look like Jesus and his disciples to me, and below them is a pig lying on a bed of flowers, organs, and blood.  Around the crevice of the torso are what appear to be intestines and above them is an eagle.  This is a very interesting sculpture in my opinion!

Here is a link to his profile:

As always, thanks for reading!  I appreciate every single one of my fans, readers, any feedback, and all support.  Thank you!

-Bridgette <3 


P.S. After posting this blog post, I have two more posts for you to read and enjoy tonight (one more about Heidi Taillefer and her interesting, wonderful artwork, and then another one with a brand NEW video that I just barely recorded tonight)!  I will be working on getting those up right after I post this...

Friday, January 18, 2013

Another Quick Side Note About My Story "Mesmerized"

In case you were all wondering, yes the story that I call "Mesmerized" and have been sharing with you all on my blog, is in fact supposed to be cheesy!  It is just supposed to be a fun thing for me to do, and just play around with.  It is great if you really, truly like it and enjoy it, but it is also just fine if you don't.  I prefer the honesty.  If you don't like my story, please let me know.  Any questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, criticisms (good and bad), etc. are appreciated (unless, of course, they are totally disgusting and inappropriate).

Basically I am just writing you all this side note to let you know...  Yes, I am well aware that this story is cheesy!  And, yes it's ok if you think it's cheesy, and yes it is supposed to be cheesy!  Thank you.

-Bridgette <3 

"Mesmerized" Continuation 4

Where we left off last time: http://savingstrugglingartists.blogspot.com/2013/01/mesmerized-continuation-3.html

Continuation:  Just as he did that, another burst of light came seeping out of the crevices above and underneath the door that was guarded by the guardsmen.  "Alright," said one of the guardsmen, "Let me just phone the boss to see if it's alright to let you in."

The police officer tucked his badge away, and then the guardsman pulled his portable dispatch radio off the front of his shirt, put it to his mouth, pushed the button to talk, and spoke into the microphone.  "Sir," he said, "We have a code P0-wOi 3 (the bosses fancy made up code for "police officer, with investigation, wanting to enter your office.  Should I let him in?")."  The "boss" phoned him back.  "What does that mean?"
"Sir, you made up the code and you don't know what it means?"
"Refresh my memory."
"We have a police officer here investigating the brothel and he would like to gain access into your office."
"Oh.  Oh yeah!  So that's what that one means.  We haven't used it in so long I've forgotten!"

(or maybe it is just because you make bullshit codes for things all the time and you keep changing your mind on what they are.  And these codes are just stupid and unnecessary anyway.)  "Should I grant him access?"
"Oh, yes, yes, of course."

The guardsmen opened the door and stood aside, out of the way so that the police officer may enter.  As soon as he was in the office, the guardsmen closed the door behind him and got back to their posts in front of the door.

"Hello sir.  I am Officer Ileus.  I am with the local police department and I was dispatched and sent here on a murder investigation case."
"Hello, Mr. Ileus."  (Ha.  Isn't that some sort of intestinal disease?)
"So, what do we have here?  Who are you, what kind of establishment do we have here?  What's going on here?"
"Well, to start, my name is Florence.  I am the owner and the person in charge of this place.  It is often referred to as 'the Belle Tower' even though that isn't its official name.  It is a hotel and it contains a brothel, casino, and other forms of adult entertainment."  (Geez... Could he be anymore boring, monotone, and generic?)

"Well, do you have a last name?" (The officer began with the more personal questions.)  "Do you have any knowledge of the murder that just took place in your brothel, sir?"
"Don't question me!" shouted Florence as his eyes were consumed in golden flames, his nostrils flared, and balls of blue fire seemingly began to shoot out of the palms of his hands.  He aimed the balls of blue flames at the police officer and hurled them towards him.

"As you command, sir," the police man calmly agreed.  "Wait, what's going on now?  I don't remember!"
"You were just on your way out the door," replied Florence.
"Oh, so I was!"

And with that, Florence phoned the guardsmen to let Officer Ileus out of his office.


-Bridgette <3 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Derrick the Chihuahua"

Just a little cartoon that I drew tonight.  It is kind of crappy and kind of sucks, but that is alright.  His name is Derrick and he is an emaciated chihuahua.  Look at the images below to see what he looks like and what he has to say (yes, all 6 images are of the same comic, the same piece of paper in fact.  It is a one-page cartoon and I felt the need to take several images because sometimes cellphone photos just don't quite work out correctly.)

Just in case you couldn't tell what it says even after that last image, it says, "Hi, my name is Derrick.  I starved to death.  Just pointing out the obvious, 'cuz that's what I do & this cartoonist sucks!"

So... Please tell me what you all think of "Derrick the Chihuahua!"

-Bridgette <3 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Mesmerized" Continuation 3

Where we left off last time: http://savingstrugglingartists.blogspot.com/2013/01/good-news-fans-about-story-mesmerized.html

"Where is the other suspe- ah, witness?" asked the police man as he continued to jot notes down in his notepad.  "We don't know for sure where she had scurried off to, sir," replied one of the ladies.

They were referring to Tallulah, as London had mentioned her when the officer asked if there had been anyone else that had witnessed the event.  "Maybe we should go check inside for her."

They went inside the hotel and led the officer directly to the crime scene, taking care not to dally.  As soon as they made it to the crime scene, the first thing the officer saw wasn't Edgar's dead body, his wounds, or the blood that pooled up underneath and around him... It was Tallulah standing next to the brothel's service phone in shock, with her jaw dropping, eyes round and staring into the abyss, seemingly entranced or mesmerized, mortified rather.  The receiver of the phone dropped, chord extended full length, and just dangling in the air.  The phone had been used without the receiver being put back on the cradle.  It was ringing off the hook because Tallulah had been the last person to use it and just as she was about to hang up, she got trapped in a trance.  The police officer began making his way over to her.  "Are you alright?" he asked her.
Tallulah did not answer.  She didn't say anything, make a single sound, or move at all.  She was completely frozen in shock, and completely entranced. The police officer kept asking over and over again, questions like, "Are you ok," and "Ma'am, what is your name".  He grew more and more impatient each time he asked, but that didn't change the fact that not a damn thing changed with Tallulah's state of being.

Suddenly there was an ominous flash of bright, bluish purple light of in the distance, but no one in the brothel had seen exactly what it was in full detail or its source, as all eyes were on Tallulah as this phenomenon occurred.   The flash of light was very big and very bright, but everyone inside the brothel only got a small glimpse of it in their peripherals.  The officer turned his attention away from Tallulah and turned towards the direction of where the flash of light occurred.  He drew his gun and began advancing towards the source.  There were a few gasps as he pulled out his gun.  "What do you need to whip that thing out for?" asked one of the whores.  "Just in case there is anything in there that poses a threat, ma'am," was his response.

Almost instantaneously everyone had forgot that they had even seen the flash of light.  "Huh, why do I have this out?" the officer asked himself as he put his weapon back in the holster.  He continued to advance towards the source of the flash of light, even though he had forgotten all about the flash of light at this point.  Apparently the flash of light had been spawned from something down the hall and towards a locked door that was heavily guarded by guardsmen.  The officer continued to advance down the hall, turned the corner, and wound up at this door with nowhere else to turn (except for back where he came).

"Sir," said one of the rather large guardsmen in an extremely low pitch tone, "We cannot just allow you in there."
"I am a police officer."  He whipped out his badge just like some movie cliche hot shot.


-Bridgette <3

Another Painting That I Did

Here is a painting of a skull, a rat, and some flowers that I just recently did.  It probably doesn't have the typical colors you would expect for what it is, but it is what it is (oh, how I hate that saying...  "It is what it is!"  lol).

-Bridgette <3 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Good News, Fans (About the Story "Mesmerized")

I have decided that I am going to continue it!  I have put a lot of thought into it and have been weighing my options carefully, and have thoroughly contemplated inside my head rather or not I think I want to or should continue working on "Mesmerized," and posting it here for all my blog viewers to read, and after all of that time and careful thought... I have decided that I am in fact going to go on with the story!!!

From now on, here's how I'll do it... I'll put in the title of the blog post the word "Mesmerized" and the number of the segment we are on (example: "Mesmerized" Part 3) and at the beginning of each post I will put a link to the last post, that way my fans don't get lost and wonder what the heck is going on or where the Hell I am picking back up from.  And I am counting this one as part two, and the last one as part one (continuing the story, restarting the segment count, and making the segments longer.  Sorry for any confusion).

Starting with this one...

(Where I am picking back up from this time)  http://savingstrugglingartists.blogspot.com/2013/01/mesmerized-whole-story-so-far.html

Continuation:  ...But just as she had said that, a fleet of ambulances, firetrucks, and police cars started pulling up towards the hotel.

At first each of the five whores (except for London who was dumb, fluffy, air-headed and not paying any attention at all, nor really caring to) saw but one firetruck and made no connection whatsoever that someone had called 911 from the inside of the hotel.  The firetruck was turning up the street and going in the wrong direction.  They all just assumed that the firetruck was headed elsewhere.  As each of them put out there cigarette and began reaching for the next one out of the carton, the firetruck began doubling back towards the hotel and behind it followed the rest of the fleet of emergency vehicles.  As the fleet of emergency vehicles pulled closer and closer to the hotel, the screeches and sirens from each of the vehicles grew louder in the whores' ears.

"Wait, where's Tallulah?" asked one of the other whores.  London did stand by during the whole incident thus far, she just didn't pay any attention to any of it.  Tallulah, on the other hand, was apparently absent.  So it really had been only Brunhilda, Elisha, and Adelaide who had truly witnessed all the excitement surrounding the fleet of emergency vehicles and the event of them showing up to the hotel.

Tallulah had run inside after about her third or fourth cigarette (she was quite a heavy smoker, but not nearly as much as the other four were), but none of the other four whores had even seen her leave or noticed her gone until one of them turned around and saw her absence and asked about her whereabouts.
"She must of gone back inside," replied another whore as she put out her cigarette and exhaled her last bit of smoke, and as a police officer approached them, "It is cold out here and she was wearing only a thong and some pasties with a mere little sheer shawl down around her lower arms after all."

"What seems to be the problem here, what can we help with tonight, why were we called tonight ma'am?" asked the officer.  The fleet of ambulances, police cars, and firetrucks remained parked distantly, but not too distantly (in the guest parking of the hotel) behind the officer that was now talking to the ladies, and the emergency personnel stayed near the parked vehicles (all but the one officer speaking with the whores).

Meanwhile, inside the hotel...

There lay Edgar's cold dead body, untouched, still in the middle of the floor in the brothel.  And Tallulah had in fact been inside the hotel this whole time.  There she was standing next to the phone.  She had been the one to make the phone call to 911.  She just stood there, staring of into the abyss, frozen in shock...


- <3 Bridgette

"Mesmerized" (The Whole Story SO FAR!!)

It was a dark and stormy night. It was almost pitch black, aside from the grey clouds that adorned just a small portion of the black sky, the silver rain that dripped from those grey clouds (the rain was dripping from the sky the way Edgar's blood was dripping from the crevice in his body where his heart once lay), and the golden-yellow moon which peaked out from the edge of one of the clouds (the way the ring of Edgar's attacker peaked out from the edge of the blade that was used to cut the aorta and vein severing wounds into Edgar's chest). This, the ring of the attacker, was the very last thing Edgar had lay eyes upon before his heart was ripped away from his chest by his attacker and his soul was ripped away from his body by the Grim Reaper. Actually, technically, the very last thing he had lay eyes upon before his death was the reflection of the crow's eye glaring off the attacker's ring.

The crow's eye was a vibrant chartreuse The silver slit of a pupil just screamed, "Caution! This bird is diseased. It is infectious and contagious!" Edgar seemed to be hypnotized by the reflection of the crow's eye in the attacker's ring during the few moments just before his passing, but what good would it have done a bird to hypnotize a dead man (or nearly dead man)? Maybe he was just mesmerized.

So, here lied a mesmerized dead man in the very top of the inside of the "Belle Tower". No, the "Belle Tower" wasn't a giant tower which contained a giant bell. In fact, it wasn't even a tower. It was a rather large hotel building that had a small facility on the floor just underneath the penthouse suite. This facility on the floor directly under the penthouse contained a brothel, a casino, a bar, and other forms of adult amusement and entertainment. Technically the "Belle Tower" was just the name used for the small brothel located directly under the master bedroom of the penthouse suite, but because the whores from the brothel decided they'd rather run freely throughout the whole hotel, rather than keeping confined to the actual brothel, eventually the whole hotel became to be known as the "Belle Tower".

One of the big reasons why pretty much the whole hotel was flooded with half-naked hussies at pretty much any given time was that there was a "no smoking in the adult entertainment facility portion of the hotel" policy put in place by the owner of the hotel, and most of the whores liked to go take many cigarette breaks throughout their shifts.

So, it was in this brothel that Edgar had been brutally murdered and had had his aorta and veins severed and his heart ripped from his chest, his soul ripped from his body. It was in this brothel that he had seen the reflection of the crow's eye in the attacker's ring and became hypnotized. It was in this brothel that he had heard the one foreign whore in the whole Belle Tower ask her fellow whores, "Cigarettenpausen?" Wait... Did he really just hear her ask that? He was dead! His ears weren't supposed to be working, he wasn't supposed to be hearing. Despite being dead Edgar could in fact hear the German whore ask her fellow whores if they wanted to go out with her for a cigarette break. Not only could he hear the ladies' discussion about rather or not they wanted to go take a break from sucking penises and having their tits squeezed to have a cigarette, he could also hear laughter and faint screams of the standers-by who witnessed his death, he could hear the distinct sound of ballroom music. Why was there both, laughter and screams, coming from the witnesses? Why was there classical, romantic music playing in the background? Why could Edgar hear voices, both whispered and not, coming from the people surrounding his dead body? Why could dead, little Edgar even hear anything at all?

Why was the laughter from the witnesses much louder and more abundant than the gasps, sighs, and screams? Why was there more laughter than screaming and crying? Why were the witnesses even laughing at him, anyhow? Were they really that careless and unsympathetic? That cynical? Evil, maybe?! No. They cant all possibly be that evil! Or could they? Were they even aware of what had just happened, what, outside of their little party, was really going on?

One of the prostitutes had noticed something peculiar about the dead man's face, actually a few things. The first thing that she noticed was there appeared to be three slashes across the side of his face. No. Not slashes. Scratches. But, from what? And why? They were rather large and rather deep scratches. Portions of the scratches looked fresh, like they couldn't have possibly been there for more than a few hours, in those same scratches there were parts that looked like they had occurred and healed long ago, much like a scar. How could this be? Parts of a wound be fresh and just recently opened, but parts of that same wound be opened, healed and scarred over long ago, or at least appear to have been that way? How? Was it a new set of wounds placed over old wounds? Or was it old wounds that have been reopened in some spots? Or something else entirely? Maybe. The second peculiarity the whore noticed was the expression on Edgar's face.
"Look," she said to her fellow whores, "Do you see how his eyes are shining like that?"
"What's with that? Its strange!"
"Yeah, he seems to be mesmerized or hypnotized or something!"
"But, how could he be? Hes dead!"

Edgar heard the voices of at least three whores discussing the expression on his dead face.
"Well, I don't even believe in that hypnotism and mesmerism bullshit!"
"Still. His eyes. Just. There's something about the glow in his eyes and the look on his face that's a bit strange."
"Whatever. Who cares. Hes dead."
The three whores walked away from Edgar's dead body, walked out the door of the brothel, and went out for a cigarette break.

"Its amazing how a once-was serious pill-popper and hypochondriac can eventually become disgusted with taking meds and no longer want to do it! "Ugh, its so effing disgusting! If I have to take another pill, I'm gonna just die!" she said to me today, giving a sour face," said Elisha, the best known and most commonly asked for whore of the brothel.
"Who are you talking about," asked Brunhilda, the German whore.
"Oh, no one," said Elisha.
"No, seriously. It was just something I had read somewhere!"
"Why are you two always bickering?" screeched Adelaide, the least requested, yet prettiest of the whores, "Just stop!"

They were soon joined by the remaining two whores of the brothel, Tallulah and London.
"How could you three be so careless like that?" shouted Tallulah from afar. Tallulah was probably the most kindhearted of the five whores.
"What do you mean?" asked Elisha, the snarky, shady, backstabbing whore.
"I mean how could you three bitches care more about lighting up and smoking a pack of cigarettes then about a death that just recently happened?" Ok, so Tallulah wasn't always lighthearted, but she was most definitely the kindest of the five.
"So, I don't know who the fuck he is!" retorted Elisha.
"Well, think about it," said London, the dumbest whore out of the bunch. London was more focused on making money and making guys' pants pop than anything. She didn't even care if she'd be stuck stripping and sucking cock for a living, even if she had to do it her whole life, as long as she was making some money and getting the pleasure of teasing guys and giving them boners. "If we don't get this murder investi- what's the word?"
"Investigated!" shouted Elisha as she damn near backhanded her in the face.
"Yeah, investigated. And cleaned up..." She sort of began to ramble a little. Could it possibly have been from all those damned medications she had been taking? Or maybe it was just because she had both a short vocabulary and a short attention span.
"What is it, London?! Cut to the chase, you dumb ass! What the Hell is your point?!" shouted Elisha.
"I kind of, sort of lost track and forgot what I was talking about."
"Something about the murder in the brothel."
"Oh, yeah. If we don't get this mess sorted out and get the dead body cleaned up from the brothel, we may just all be out of work."
"Out of work? What the Hell are you talking about, you dumb ass?!"
"I mean we may all loose our jobs. The Belle Tower may go out of business."
"Well, you dumb," said Brunhilda as she took another puff of her cigarette, "You dummies.  Has anyone," another puff, "Has anyone even thought to call the police?"
"No," retorted Elisha.
"And just why the Hell not?" screeched Brunhilda.
"I guess no one has thought of it yet," replied Elisha in a snarky tone, "Or maybe just nobody cares!"

"Mesmerized" part 3 (The Story Segment I NEVER Finished)

As promised in the blog post just right before this one that I just posted, here is that continuation of the story I am (for now) calling "Mesmerized."  I don't know if I should keep this story up or not, and if I do I'm not sure if I should come up with a new name for the story and new names for the characters   This story was just more or less meant to be a screwing around, practice story (not a serious, legit one).  So, I would appreciate it if my fans and blog-readers could let me know what they think so far.  Do you like the story so far?  Should I continue it?  Should I change it up a bit, change the title of the story, change the characters, etc.?  Please email me with any questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, to "sign up" for email continuations of this story, etc.!!  All fan email is awesomely appreciated and welcomed!!


Recap: Edgar gets mesmerized by the reflection of a crow's eye in the ring of his attacker.  He is found dead in a brothel and is surrounded by laughter, music, and whores.  The whores soon loose interest in the dead body and decided to step out for a cigarette break.  While out for their cigarette break, the whores have a little tit-for-tat, and then they realize they could all loose their jobs, the brothel can go out of business, and no one has called the cops on the murder yet.

"Well, you dumb," said Brunhilda as she took another puff of her cigarette, "You dumbies!  Has anyone," another puff, "Has anyone even thought to call the police?"

Continuation: "No," retorted Elisha.
"And just why the Hell not?" screeched Brunhilda.
"I guess no one has thought of it yet," replied Elisha in a snarky tone, "Or maybe just nobody cares!"


- <3 Bridgette

Contemplating Rather or Not I Should Continue "Mesmerized" (and What My Plans Are For That Story IF I Do)

Here is a link to a post on my other blog, in regards to what my plans are for my story called "Mesmerized." There are also a few side notes (like the facts that I am unsure if I even want to finish it and keep it up or not, and that I am and will be and have been busy with other stuff that have been keeping me away from finishing it and working on it).  http://rayasmommy.blogspot.com/2013/01/in-regards-to-my-story-called.html

I am unsure if I even have the desire to keep working on that story or if I just want to scrap it.  Basically, IF I do decide to finish it, I am just going to do periodical updates with segments of chapter one in multiple blog posts on this blog (Saving Struggling Artists), and then just do one big blog post on my other blog with all of chapter one, and then after that if I'm still planning on keeping it up it'll be a "by email contact only" thing for the rest of the story.  But this is only IF I decide to keep writing it.  Lately I just have been unsure as to rather or not I actually do want to finish it.  If I decide to quit working on "Mesmerized," that doesn't mean I'm going to quit writing altogether.  It just means that I am scrapping that one project and giving up on that ONE story, not writing stories as a whole.  I will still have my other stories and projects to work on.

In a little bit here, I will be posting a short blog post with a continuation of the story that I have started and never finished (I mean I have never finished that segment).  I started typing that particular segment a LONG time ago, but just never got around to finishing it or posting it.  It is VERY short.  Basically it just more or less has a little "here is where I left off last time" section, and then I may have added a whole "whopping" two or three new sentences to it.  LOL.  And that's about the point where I just left off with that story and never picked it back up.  I might though.  I am by NO means saying that I am for certain done with that project forever and am never going to finish it... At this point I don't know for sure.  Nobody does!

- <3 Bridgette

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Heidi Taillefer

As promised earlier on, a few days ago, here is that post about Heidi Taillefer's art.  I am simply just going to post up some pictures of her artwork that I happen to stumble upon on the web and happen to like.

But, due to the fact I don't want my blog taken off of the web and don't want to get banned from blogger (which I'm not even sure if I would, posting art that depicts nipples and butt cheeks?!  But just to be on the safe side...) I'm going to have to censor some of them, actually a big chunk of them (I think it is just ridiculous that you must censor ANYTHING on the web!!  Geez...)...

I am so sorry I had to censor these!  I really hate the fact that things have to be censored on the web, on the radio, on TV, etc.  Its bullshit and its fucking lame!!  Anyhow, you should look up "Heidi Taillefer," or "Heidi Taillefer art," or something along those lines if you are curious about her and want to see more of her artwork or even see the ones on this post uncensored!  I find her art quite fascinating, to be honest.

- <3 Bridgette

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Another Video By Chaz McIntyre

This one is him performing a song he wrote called "Broken Glass."

- <3 Bridgette and Chaz

NEW!! Audio File of My Dearly Beloved, Chaz Playing a Blink-182 Cover... PLUS An Intro to My Own Song :D

Hi!!  This is Bridgette...  This is so exciting for me.  This is the first time I have ever uploaded anything like this before to my blog!  I have NEVER uploaded a video or audio file to my blog before this...  Today I have a special treat for you...  My dearly beloved boyfriend, Chaz, decided to do a Blink-182 "Dammit" cover for y'all!!  Here it is:

Also, if you'd like here is a video (it is saved as a video, but it just pretty much has audio and a black screen because I am camera shy...) of me doing the guitar intro to one of my own original songs called "My Addiction." 

You are so very welcome, fans!!  I have decided to team up with Chaz to make this a much better blog and actually make it into something!!

- <3 Bridgette and Chaz

(the email address is only MY email address by the way... it is not a shared email account!)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Colorblind Artists, Cats With Butterflies Instead of Fleas, and My Little Gift to You...

Here is a nifty little Facebook artsy page I came across recently (yes, another one!): http://www.facebook.com/KolorBlindArt?sk=timeline

There are just so many art and music communities on the web and on Facebook... You might actually be surprised at the quantity!  Well, the contents of what you might find on the web are seemingly limitless and endless...  But, anyhow this is a blog about music, art, and teen parents... Not web, web contents and computers!!

The above link goes to a Facebook page called "Kolor Blind Art."  It would seem to me that the person/people who run that page like to do artworks that are portraits of celebrities...  I've seen some like Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, and the Joker.  Their artwork is, in my opinion, amazing for being by a colorblind artist.  I love it!

Below, I am going to post a picture of a cat with butterflies instead of fleas...  It is not from the above Facebook page, and I highly doubt it is even from the same artist.  It is just a cute little something I happened to get in my news feed...  Here you go:

In fact, I'm going to look it up real quick for y'all on Google images to try and see rather or not I can figure out who the artist is...

Well, according to my search results by uploading this image and searching it in Google Images, apparently the artist is named Heidi Taillefer.  I like this image and the other "similar" images that pop up when you search it so much that I am going to make another blog post just for Heidi and her artwork!

And... To conclude this blog post, I did promise in the description a little gift from myself, didn't I?!

Well, actually, I wanted to give y'all TWO personalized gifts from myself in this blog post...  Those two gifts are:

(1) I'm going to continue my story about dead Edgar, and the whores (I think it was titled "Mesmerized"?!), not in this post, but in subsequent posts...  As well as posting up segments of my other original stories later on, after I finish "Mesmerized".

and (2) Here is a picture of a painting of a bird on a tree that I did:

You're welcome, fans!!  I'm back.  lol

- <3 Bridgette