Monday, January 7, 2013

"Mesmerized" part 3 (The Story Segment I NEVER Finished)

As promised in the blog post just right before this one that I just posted, here is that continuation of the story I am (for now) calling "Mesmerized."  I don't know if I should keep this story up or not, and if I do I'm not sure if I should come up with a new name for the story and new names for the characters   This story was just more or less meant to be a screwing around, practice story (not a serious, legit one).  So, I would appreciate it if my fans and blog-readers could let me know what they think so far.  Do you like the story so far?  Should I continue it?  Should I change it up a bit, change the title of the story, change the characters, etc.?  Please email me with any questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, to "sign up" for email continuations of this story, etc.!!  All fan email is awesomely appreciated and welcomed!!


Recap: Edgar gets mesmerized by the reflection of a crow's eye in the ring of his attacker.  He is found dead in a brothel and is surrounded by laughter, music, and whores.  The whores soon loose interest in the dead body and decided to step out for a cigarette break.  While out for their cigarette break, the whores have a little tit-for-tat, and then they realize they could all loose their jobs, the brothel can go out of business, and no one has called the cops on the murder yet.

"Well, you dumb," said Brunhilda as she took another puff of her cigarette, "You dumbies!  Has anyone," another puff, "Has anyone even thought to call the police?"

Continuation: "No," retorted Elisha.
"And just why the Hell not?" screeched Brunhilda.
"I guess no one has thought of it yet," replied Elisha in a snarky tone, "Or maybe just nobody cares!"


- <3 Bridgette

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