Friday, January 18, 2013

"Mesmerized" Continuation 4

Where we left off last time:

Continuation:  Just as he did that, another burst of light came seeping out of the crevices above and underneath the door that was guarded by the guardsmen.  "Alright," said one of the guardsmen, "Let me just phone the boss to see if it's alright to let you in."

The police officer tucked his badge away, and then the guardsman pulled his portable dispatch radio off the front of his shirt, put it to his mouth, pushed the button to talk, and spoke into the microphone.  "Sir," he said, "We have a code P0-wOi 3 (the bosses fancy made up code for "police officer, with investigation, wanting to enter your office.  Should I let him in?")."  The "boss" phoned him back.  "What does that mean?"
"Sir, you made up the code and you don't know what it means?"
"Refresh my memory."
"We have a police officer here investigating the brothel and he would like to gain access into your office."
"Oh.  Oh yeah!  So that's what that one means.  We haven't used it in so long I've forgotten!"

(or maybe it is just because you make bullshit codes for things all the time and you keep changing your mind on what they are.  And these codes are just stupid and unnecessary anyway.)  "Should I grant him access?"
"Oh, yes, yes, of course."

The guardsmen opened the door and stood aside, out of the way so that the police officer may enter.  As soon as he was in the office, the guardsmen closed the door behind him and got back to their posts in front of the door.

"Hello sir.  I am Officer Ileus.  I am with the local police department and I was dispatched and sent here on a murder investigation case."
"Hello, Mr. Ileus."  (Ha.  Isn't that some sort of intestinal disease?)
"So, what do we have here?  Who are you, what kind of establishment do we have here?  What's going on here?"
"Well, to start, my name is Florence.  I am the owner and the person in charge of this place.  It is often referred to as 'the Belle Tower' even though that isn't its official name.  It is a hotel and it contains a brothel, casino, and other forms of adult entertainment."  (Geez... Could he be anymore boring, monotone, and generic?)

"Well, do you have a last name?" (The officer began with the more personal questions.)  "Do you have any knowledge of the murder that just took place in your brothel, sir?"
"Don't question me!" shouted Florence as his eyes were consumed in golden flames, his nostrils flared, and balls of blue fire seemingly began to shoot out of the palms of his hands.  He aimed the balls of blue flames at the police officer and hurled them towards him.

"As you command, sir," the police man calmly agreed.  "Wait, what's going on now?  I don't remember!"
"You were just on your way out the door," replied Florence.
"Oh, so I was!"

And with that, Florence phoned the guardsmen to let Officer Ileus out of his office.


-Bridgette <3 

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