Friday, October 12, 2012

Artistically Carved Pumpkins

Happy (early) Halloween, everyone!  Halloween has got to be one of my very most favorite holidays EVER, if not my very favorite.  I simply love Halloween!  Today my significant other and I decided to go and get a few pet rats (not because of the whole Halloween thing... It actually has not a damn thing to do with that!  We just wanted to get a pet that the two of us could raise, take care of, and easily manage, and love, together!).  We got three and they are all females.  Their names are Mishka (Russian for "Little Bear"), Kirah, and Stormy.

Anyhow... Enough of that!  This blog post is actually supposed to be about the pictures of artistically and wonderfully carved and detailed pumpkins that I have been finding!  Here's the first one:

A cute, little, intricate "carousel"... I just love it! :D

Bob Marley... Wow, such detail and straight, smooth lines! :)


This one is just weird to me!  lol
Oops... That one was a watermellon! :P
This one has a face made out of bats!  How cool is that?!

Pregnant belly and fetus... XD


Gosh... I just saw so many good pictures of awesomely carved and painted pumpkins and grueling hard work that lead up to the making of these awesome creations!  It was just so hard to decide which ones to share!  Pumpkin carving/painting is just such an intricate and difficult art-form!  It is just so amazing some of the pieces of artwork that come out of people slaving away to carve and/or paint and decorate the "perfect" pumpkin!  It is quite a shame that these works of art, after they are made, don't usually last very long!  Sometimes pumpkin carving/painting/decorating art is just so amazing to me that I wish it could be perserved forever (at least for a lot longer than it usually lasts)!!!  Well... Yet again, Happy Halloween, everyone!  And Happy Pumpkin-carving! :)

-Bridgette <3

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