Friday, October 5, 2012

An Indie Rock Band I found on the Interwebs, A Link to a Book I Want, and Links to my Facebook Pages

Hi there!  How's it going, everyone?!  First of all, here is a link to an Indie band I came across on Facebook: .  Warning:  Clicking on the above link will lead you to a page that automatically starts playing music!

That is just one of MANY pages for up-and-coming Indie Rock bands that I have stumbled upon while on Facebook.  There are so many more (I may share more and feature more here on my blog)!

Second of all, here's the link to the Facebook page of a book I REALLY, really want, BAD!!! :!/noalternative.novel/info

And, last but certainly not least, here are the links to a couple of MY Facebook pages:

This is a page called "(ssmsim) Support Single Mothers that Support Indie Music" :  (I'm not single, nor am I looking, but I was single when I created this page)

My musician page (which will eventually have MY music and possibly videos up on it!):

My "black sheep" page:

And, of course, my main page:

-Bridgette <3

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