Friday, October 26, 2012

Using Art as A Coping Mechanism

Hey, fans.  How's it going?!  Today I came across two pages on Facebook that were rather interesting to me.  One was about artists who want to work together to create art projects to change the world, and the other one was about artists dealing with trauma and using art as a tool to help them cope.  I think that this is the case with probably the majority of artists... They want to help change and better the world, and they also want to create art to help them deal with their trauma!  Artists want to heal themselves as well as help heal others and restore Mother Earth to its natural, clean, pure, beautiful state!  I know those statements at least hold true for me!  I want to heal myself, heal others, and make a difference in today's world, and I most certainly do use my art and music as a mean to cope with my past trauma!

Here are the links to those two pages and a few pieces of artwork from those pages:

Artfully Unforgotten (the one about the artists that want to come together and work together to create art projecs and help make a difference in the world):!/artfullyunforgotten

555 Collective (the one about the artists who use art as a mean to cope with their trauma):

555 Collective also has an official, non-Facebook, website:

I also came across another page just now (while working on this blog post).  Its called "Art Geek".  Its apparently a place on Facebook where artists can post their artwork without having to have all the strangers of Facebook land looking at your profile and looking through all your photos on your personal profile.  Here is the link to that page:

And... Finally... Just as I promised... Here are the pics from the first two links above!

And this page is called "Arto- Art Beyond the Museums":

This one is called "Wikiartmap," and it is sort of a world-wide map of art or artists or something like that:

Well, I hope that you enjoyed this blog post, and I hope that it and its contents were inspiring to you!  I would like to encourage you to find an artistic and creative outlet (such as writing, painting, sketching, making masquerade masks, making music, making cards, jewelry, etc.) to plug yourself into if you are looking for a fun and exciting hobby, trying to find a coping machenism, want to make a difference in the world, want to help yourself and/or others, or even just as a fun way to pass the time!  I am going to close for now.

-Bridgette <3

P.S.  If you are going to take up an art form or creative writing, or something of that nature, make sure it is something that you actually enjoy doing and are comfortable with doing and are only doing it because you want to, not because someone else is making feel pressured to do so... And take your time with it, don't ever rush it or make yourself do it when you don't want to do it, but at the same time remember that PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT, and if you actually want to perfect your skills and take them to a higher level you have to practice!  Just do it at your own pace and on your own time.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Art Auction for Adalia

Y'all know that sweet little girl with Progeria named Adalia Rose, right?!  Aw, she's adorable, even with her disease whcih causes rapid aging in children!  Some nice person (or people) decided to throw together an art exhibit and auction in her honor to raise money for the research of Progeria.

Here are some awesome links pertaining to this blog post, that I think you should check out (Well... Only if you want to, and only if you are interested... I'm not going to make you do it)!

An article on the art exhibit and auction that I read:

An information page on all the artists who have contributed:

The main page to the website above (second link):

Adalia Rose's Facebook page:!/AdaliaRose

I simply love and adore her!  I think it is sad and tragic that an innocent child can be infected with such a harmful and potentially deadly disease!  It makes me so sad to hear all these stories of children having horrible, traumatic things happening to them that make them mentally grow up quicker than they normally probably should have (Believe me... I know just what that is like.  I was one of those children who had to grow up in a situation that made me mentally grow up faster than a kid should have to!)... But to actually be a kid and have a disease that PHYSICALLY ages you rather quickly and potentially causes you to have life-threatening health problems... Now, that's tragic!

My praises go out to Adalia, her loved ones, and to all the artists and buyers that contributed to this exhibit/auction!

-Bridgette <3

Monday, October 15, 2012

Check This Artist Out!

Above is a link to a website (I think it is another blog) that has pictures of this woman's really awesome, beautiful artwork.  Her name is Agnes Cecile.  For the longest time I could not figure out who this was, but I had been seeing her artwork (or artwork that I am at least assuming is hers because it is so eerily similar) all over the internet (sites like Polyvore, Google image search, etc.).

She also has a Deviant Art account: .

Also, the above link (the first one) isn't even that whole website.  It is just one page on that website, and that website doesn't completely and fully pertain to just Agnes and her art, nor is it Agnes's website (at least I don't think it is).  The main page to that website is here: .

CreativiTea also has a Facebook page:!/creativiteaorg .

-Bridgette <3

Fee-FREE Musician Contest to Have Your Own Original Song Aired on the Radio :D

Check this stuff out: .

I got this link in my inbox and got an invite in my email for this... How cool is that?!  They want independent, unsigned indie/alternative, metal, etc. artists for this!!!  Submissions are FREE, so there is no fee attached, and you could have your song aired on their radio talk show!  Cool, huh?!  I will probably be submitting my song called "Loop Hole" (no promises though).  Even if I don't submit it, I may add it to my musician page on Facebook: , because I do not yet have any music on my musician page!!!  So, be on the look out for that!  When and if I decide for sure that I am either going to enter this fee-free music contest and/or add my song "Loop Hole" to my musician page, I will be sure to make another post here on my blog and inform and update y'all!

-Bridgette <3

Friday, October 12, 2012

Artistically Carved Pumpkins

Happy (early) Halloween, everyone!  Halloween has got to be one of my very most favorite holidays EVER, if not my very favorite.  I simply love Halloween!  Today my significant other and I decided to go and get a few pet rats (not because of the whole Halloween thing... It actually has not a damn thing to do with that!  We just wanted to get a pet that the two of us could raise, take care of, and easily manage, and love, together!).  We got three and they are all females.  Their names are Mishka (Russian for "Little Bear"), Kirah, and Stormy.

Anyhow... Enough of that!  This blog post is actually supposed to be about the pictures of artistically and wonderfully carved and detailed pumpkins that I have been finding!  Here's the first one:

A cute, little, intricate "carousel"... I just love it! :D

Bob Marley... Wow, such detail and straight, smooth lines! :)


This one is just weird to me!  lol
Oops... That one was a watermellon! :P
This one has a face made out of bats!  How cool is that?!

Pregnant belly and fetus... XD


Gosh... I just saw so many good pictures of awesomely carved and painted pumpkins and grueling hard work that lead up to the making of these awesome creations!  It was just so hard to decide which ones to share!  Pumpkin carving/painting is just such an intricate and difficult art-form!  It is just so amazing some of the pieces of artwork that come out of people slaving away to carve and/or paint and decorate the "perfect" pumpkin!  It is quite a shame that these works of art, after they are made, don't usually last very long!  Sometimes pumpkin carving/painting/decorating art is just so amazing to me that I wish it could be perserved forever (at least for a lot longer than it usually lasts)!!!  Well... Yet again, Happy Halloween, everyone!  And Happy Pumpkin-carving! :)

-Bridgette <3

Friday, October 5, 2012

An Indie Rock Band I found on the Interwebs, A Link to a Book I Want, and Links to my Facebook Pages

Hi there!  How's it going, everyone?!  First of all, here is a link to an Indie band I came across on Facebook: .  Warning:  Clicking on the above link will lead you to a page that automatically starts playing music!

That is just one of MANY pages for up-and-coming Indie Rock bands that I have stumbled upon while on Facebook.  There are so many more (I may share more and feature more here on my blog)!

Second of all, here's the link to the Facebook page of a book I REALLY, really want, BAD!!! :!/noalternative.novel/info

And, last but certainly not least, here are the links to a couple of MY Facebook pages:

This is a page called "(ssmsim) Support Single Mothers that Support Indie Music" :  (I'm not single, nor am I looking, but I was single when I created this page)

My musician page (which will eventually have MY music and possibly videos up on it!):

My "black sheep" page:

And, of course, my main page:

-Bridgette <3

"Saving Struggling Artists" will be upgrading (Eventually)!

Hello there!  :D Ever since the very begining of this blog, it has been purely a blog dedicated to helping out struggling artists and musicians and appreciating struggling and non-struggling artists alike!  But... Now, "Saving Struggling Artists" will be upgrading to a "Saving Struggling Artists and Struggling Teen Parents" type of blog.  Well, maybe not now, but eventually!  I will EVENTUALLY be upgrading it to that (as soon as I can start getting fundage for my fondation that I want to build to help out struggling teen moms and daddies and their babies!).

So... Does anyone have any ideas of how I can successfully go about being able to build such a foundation?  I think it is just aweful how many unsupported (or under-supported) teen parents there are out there, and I'd like to do something to help them out (as a struggling teen mom herself)!!!

I would also like some advice about how to go about being successful with STARTING, as well as running, my future record shop/record label.  Any advice for either of my two plans?  It is all very much appreciated!  Email me, please and thank you!!!

Some of the advice I have been given by my close personal friends includes: "Go to the local community college and take classes for both business as well as music."  (for my record shop/record label idea)

and "Get a degree in business and first start out by running a "Bert Merdock" (sells guitar strings, picks, amps, etc.) or "Gray Whale" (sells records and cds and that type of stuff) type of store, or even merge the two, and then use the money you make from that to get started on building your recording studio and then start a record label."

Whih, don't get me wrong, both of these friends had GREAT ideas... Its just that, that stuff is much easier said than done!  So... Any advice for my plans to run a record store and/or record label (I want to run a record label and help other people produce their music FOR SURE!), or for my plans to create some sort of "Help Struggling Teen Parents and Their Kids" foundation, would be greatly appreciated.  Again, please and thanks!

-Bridgette <3

Another Creative Writing Website

You know that friend who wrote the short story that I did a blog post about yesterday?  Well, here is a link to another creative writing website that she uses:

Apparently it is called Mibba.  Again, it is a website I have never used, but I think its worth it to check it out! :D

-Bridgette <3

So, I Came Across This Thing Called, "The Silent-View Project" Today...

Just derping around the internet, I come across a lot of interesting, intriguing, and fastenating things ALL THE TIME!  You would be amazed at how many cool art, music, and fashion finds there are awaiting you on the interwebz!!!  I came across this thing called, "The Silent-View Project" today while derping around on Facebook.  Apparently it is some sort of photography project.  I ought to look into it a bit more!  The first pictures I saw of this project were pictures of this lady with really cool blue hair "playing" the cello.  Here are some of the pics I came across, and the links to my websearches today:

Sorry the first link is so long!  This is apparently what happens when you go to google and search for an image by the image's URL in the little search box!  Well, that's what I did when I came across my first image of this lady with blue hair "playing" the cello.  I found that image on Facebook and decided I wanted to go looking around on the web for that same image so I could clip it to my Polyvore account, and Google's guess as to what this image was, was "silent view," and then it pulled up a bunch of similar images and links to websites about the "Silent-View Project."

Here are a few pics: , a link to the homepage of the "Silent-View" project website.

This is about what the first "Silent-View" picture I came across looked like.
Their gallery contains some pretty cool pictures!
Another Google search link (without searching pics by URL, just searching "Google images" with the words "silent view"):
Some of the pics that pull up are really cool!
And... Just searching "silent view" in regular Google (not images): , it pops up a lot of webpages with information about the "Silent-View" project (well, and various other random sh*t that apparently has similar titles!).
The Silent-View on Facebook:

I'm telling you, when I came across the first photo of theirs completely by accident while dinking around on Facebook, I instantly became interested and intrigued!  I instantly wanted to know what this "Silent View" thing was all about!  Apparently it is just simply artistic photography, but still, its pretty cool!  I like it, and I like their photos!

-Bridgette <3

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Place to Write All Your Fan Fictions, Plus: A Link to a Fan Fiction (in Progress) Written by One of My Personal Friends

Here's a link to a website where you can go and write your fan fictions for everyone to read and review:


Here's a link to a fan fiction in progress that is written by one of my close and personal friends:  Apparently it is a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" type of fan fiction.  I honestly haven't read much of her stories lately, but I think I ought to start logging on there every once in a while (but, first I must create an account!) and checking her stuff out from time to time, and maybe even start posting up some fan fictions of my very own (I usually don't write fan fictions, which is why I don't have any accounts on any fan fiction websites... That might eventually change though!).

Well... I hope you liked her story and decide to check out her other ones.  If not, its cool, still!  And I hope you enjoy her other ones as well.  Again, if not, then its ok!

-Bridgette <3

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Check Out What Facebook Has to Offer...

Facebook has plenty of pages like that offer help for freshly starting out and sort-of-struggling musicians.  The link above goes to a page called "Got Me Wrong."  I don't really know why it is called that, but I do know that it is a page filled with classifieds for musicians trying to find fellow musicians to play and perform with.  That page allows you to post a classified for free! It is probably a good place to look.

There is another page I came across:!/SubportMusic?fref=ts  called "Subport Music."

And... Another one!!/LiveoRocks This one is called ""  Its another one for indie musicians looking for support...

There are plenty of those types of things on Facebook.  I have an "interests" list on Facebook simply called "A Big Cluster F*ck Of Some Of My Interests"!/lists/163704617084760 .  It is mostly just random stuff (I have a lot of Animal Rights things, Cancer Awareness, Stop-Bullying, Indie Musician Helpers, places for authors to meet and discuss their writings, etc.  I also have a lot of artsy things and just miscillanious stuff).  And, eventually I will be adding more indie musician, free-lance author, and artsy stuffs (as well as other weird, random shit that I am into!) to my interests list along the way!  It is by no means finished!

Anyhow... Yeah, Facebook is probably a GREAT place to look for support as an indie musician or free-lance artist or writer!

-Bridgette <3