Sunday, September 23, 2012

Music is the Language of the Heart and Soul

Of the last five or six days I have played the guitar on at least four of those days, and for at least two hours each day.  I really need to practice more!  But, the last two weeks or so, I've been practicing a lot more than I have been able to in a while!  It is great to be able to get more practice time in, it is great to have a guitar (or in my case, several guitars), it is great to have the ability to write and play music (even if you aren't all too great at it)!  It is great to have the opportunity to discover and grow my own potential, style, and talents!

I will NEVER regret my decision to pick up the guitar for the very first time, I will NEVER want to go back and undo my decision to take up and learn how to play a musical instrument.  It is among the greatest of the greatest of the greatest things to ever happen to me!  The only two things I would say are even better are my lover/ soul mate, and my daughter!  Those are the ONLY two things greater than developing a love for the guitar and for music, to EVER happen to me!  And nothing else that great will ever happen to me again, I'm sure!

I only regret not being able to take the time to learn the art of playing the guitar and writing music at an earlier age (I started writing my little "songs" when I was really little, about the age five or so, but I've only been playing the guitar since I was thirteen!), and not being able to take more time to practice and develop my style and talent during the thirteen years I've been writing and the five years I've been playing!

Music sooth's the soul. It eases the mind.  It heals the heart.  I can literally feel the beat of the music enter my heart as it is played, and travel around and through all the cavities left by years and years of pain and suffering and heartbreak.  I can literally feel it at least temporarily filling each and everyone of those holes with the one thing (next to love) that the heart desires the most!  It is rather comforting to hear and play music and feel the vibrations!  As soon as the beat of the music is done flowing through the empty crevices in my heart, it is almost as if my heart's own beat has been restored!  But, then when it is finished, it must leave and carry with it all those troubles and pains, and it must go find another soul to sooth and heart to heal.  When the music is gone, I don't go back to feeling empty and in pain automatically, but eventually, the longer I go without playing, hearing, and feeling music, the emptier I feel, and the more I feel the need to be soothed and healed by music once again!

This is not at all fictional... This is really, sincerely how I feel.

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