Friday, September 28, 2012

I Don't Know How Much This Actually Has to do With "Struggling Artists," But...

I came across another one of those internet forum thing-a-ma-jigs where you can log on and share shit and "connect with other people".  It is called the "Experience Project."

LOLz  Some of the very first groups or whatever I joined were called something like, "I'm ant-social," and "I don't like large groups of people," and "I'm struggling to find myself."

My username is BridgetteBunny.

I'm hoping to discover something interesting and useful by using this website... We'll see!  Maybe I can connect with other anti-social artists and musicians struggling to find themselves and their purpose and a way in life, and maybe I can swap helpful and supportive advice and info and words of encouragement with them and vice versa!  And maybe I'll discover something in swapping stories and sharing experiences with these  people that will spark an idea in my head that will finally lead me to do something useful and something to keep my mind off the depression!  Who knows?!  Well, its worth a shot!

This website isn't all about musicians and artists, but I figured there might at least be a few on there (and if not, then I'll start something!)!

-Bridgette <3

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