Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ok, So... They Aren't Exactly "Struggling" Artists. So Why Am I Featuring Them In My Blog?

I went and saw the Iron Maiden concert last night.  It was amazing!  I was a little bummed though when they quit playing for the night.  The exiting music was hillarious though...  "Always look on the bright side of life"...  LOL!  So, they wouldn't exactly fit into the "struggling artist" catagory.  Some of you might be thinking "why are you featuring Iron Maiden in a blog specifically about struggling artists?  They aren't struggling.  They are actually quite successful and quite amazing and talented!"  The answer is this...  First of all, its MY blog!  Therefor, I am allowed to feature whatever the Hell I want in it!  Secondly, just because I want to (mostly to brag about going and seeing them live last night with my sexy boyfriend!).  And, last, but not least...  They might have been, at one point or another, struggling just like any of us!  You know, successful artists and musicians (well, technically successful anybody) don't just automatically, magically start at the top and have everything magical, and perfect and worry and struggle-free!  Just giving you an example of someone who once might have been struggling to make it as artists but are now extremely successful (Iron Maiden).

My advice to my fellow struggling artists... Don't give up on yourself... Even when (if) everyone else has!  Keep trying!  If you don't give it a try, then it FOR SURE wont happen, but if you do at least give it a try, then there is a CHANCE that it might happen!  Who knows?  Maybe if you continue to at least put time and effort into it, you may end up in the ranks of Iron Maiden, Vincent Van Goh, Van Halen, Leonardo Da Vinci, Edgar Allan Poe, just to name a few (the list is endless!).  But if you don't try then you'll never know what you could have been!

<3 Love, Bridgette.

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