Friday, May 31, 2013

Astounding Artist, Mark Ryden

Mark Ryden, the guy that did the artwork for the album cover for Jack Off Jill's "Clear Hearst, Grey Flowers" didn't stop there... Here are a few pictures of his astounding work:

First of all, the exact album cover I was referring to!

I don't know why, but so far this one is actually one of my favorites of his.

I am unsure as to rather the actual human pictured above modeled for this work as he was creating it, or if she just deiced to do a photo shoot inspired by it after it was made, or if it is purely coincidence.  Still, it is neat either way!  Although, the woman in the actual photograph definitely looks more womanly, where as the female in the artwork looks more like a girl rather than a woman.

Ooh... Don't even get me started on the whole swastika debate!  I do realize that it is a very notorious symbol used in Nazism, but it is not exclusively a Nazi symbol and did not even originate as a Nazi symbol.  Many different cultures have used the swastika symbol (even before the Nazis) including but not limited to the Celtics, the Native Americans, and the Hindus.  It originated as a symbol that simply means "Good Luck," but evidently the Nazis have stolen this symbol and ruined it for all eternity.  I and anyone else at "Saving Struggling Artists" (which right now it is pretty much just me and my significant other running the whole thing) do not condone, praise, or associate with anything that has to do with Nazism, but I can really enjoy a great work of art despite my personal differences with the artists.  It is unclear to me rather or not this particular piece has anything to do with Nazism, so I'm not going to just assume.  Also, although Hitler was a very f*cked up man that did bad things and associated with bad people, things and people (Hitler included) that I cannot find inside myself the ability to accept and forgive, you have to admit that he was a good painter (but that is a topic for a different day).

This one is pretty.

Ryden's work is a bit strange, but still interesting nonetheless!

-Bridgette Mae <3 

Check This Website Called "Koi Koi Koi" Out

I might have stumbled upon this website before, but I don't remember.  I'm glad I either found it just now or found it again!  It is a pretty neat website that features art from many different artists!  The website I am talking about it called "Koi Koi Koi," and you can reach it at this web link right here:

Here are a few  examples of what it features:

A cool drawing of a skull that is made up of flowers.  This drawing took the artist 100 hours to complete according to the website.  The artist's name is Jacob Dahlstrup.

This is a portrait by an artist that goes by the name of Caleis.  The materials that she likes to use, according to the website, are watercolors, paper cut-outs, and pencil.  Caleis is said to like to merge the ideas of fashion with her art.

This is just one of several pencil shaving portraits done by artist Kyle Bean who evidently likes to do pencil shaving portraits as well as cardboard box sculptures.

After clicking on the link above to see "Koi Koi Koi's" page for him, if you click on his name that is highlited in pink it will redirect you to another website that has more of his work:

This web link will direct you to the Koi Koi Koi artist page for an artist named Wesley Eggebrecht:

I really like Wesley's work that was featured on that webpage, but some of the ones that I really like in particular show some nudity (not gonna lie) and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post them here on Blogger, but they are worth a look in my opinion.  They are neat!  Wesley likes to draw things like nude or nearly nude women that have monster heads, robots, skeletons, what appears to be a joker card or something with one head on it being Obama and the other being McCain (I'm not totally sure on that.  It was just a guess), and astronauts.  But that's not all he draws!  That is only a few of the things he likes to draw.  Wesley comes from a family of artists in Ellsworth, Michigan and has received his Bachelor's of Fine Arts as an illustrator at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit.  Wesley deserves a round of applause.  His work is amazing!

Here is one of Wesley Eggebrecht's wonderful works of art.  This one, I am pretty sure I shouldn't get into any trouble for posting on here as it shows no nudity!

Artist Francoise Nielly likes to do very colorful works of art such as these three pictures that I just posted above this text.  I like how these are realistic enough and have great enough detail to them that you can really tell that the artist put a lot of work into them and you can pretty much for sure tell that they are pictures of human beings.  I also like how she adds those splashes of color that seem to set the mood of the picture and make the picture seem to kind of have a certain feeling or emotion to it.  The second one down, for instance, seems to have kind of an angry tone to it.  A link to her other work:

I haven't really been paying attention to this honestly, but have just happen to have seen it a few times... Like Kyle, Francoise also has a pink hyper-linked name on her Koi Koi Koi page that leads to an external website with even more of her work to explore, but I haven't really noticed if it is all of the artists on Koi Koi Koi that have that, just some of them, or most of them.  Guess I'll have to look around and keep an eye open!  Here is the link to her other page:

Down below I will feature but one more artist on this blog post.  Her name is Caitlin Hackett.  Her specialty is anthropomorphic creatures apparently.  They seem to be pictures of animals merged with other animals, animals merged with humans, or animals merged with other animals as well as humans.  I will post a few pictures of her works of art below:

Here is a photo of Caitlin working on one of her pieces!

Caitlin Hackett's art is awesome, if you ask me!  Above is just a few of her pieces of artwork.  If you click the link located here: , you can check out some of her other amazing stuff!  She also had a hyper-linked pink name on her Koi Koi Koi page which leads to this website here: .

While I would definitely encourage you to check out some of these fascinating artists and Koi Koi Koi's website ( ), I would like to remind you that I am not all that familiar with it myself.  So if I am going to make that recommendation to other people, then I had better check it out for myself and familiarize myself with it.  It seems pretty cool though, just based off what little bits of it that I have explored! Who knows... Maybe I'll even have my own page on the Koi Koi Koi website (I'm not even sure yet though if it is a community website where people go to make their own page about themselves and their art, or if it is  just a page that someone else showcases other peoples' art on)!  I'm about to get nerdy here, but so what... "Koi Koi Koi" should so totally be called "Cool, cool, cool!"  lol

-Bridgette Mae <3 

John Kenn: A New Artist I Just Came Across

Here are a few pictures of the works of art done by a guy named John Kenn.  I barely found out about his art just recently.

John Kenn apparently has a knack for drawing these little monsters or creatures and drawing little scenes to go with them on his post-it notes.  I think they are kind of cute!

-Bridgette Mae <3